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"Hey, hey, hey what's wrong," Robert says hugging me as soon as he sees me. Tears automatically seep through his shirt as I cry in his arms. I start to feel dizzy and my mouth goes dry.

"My- my sister," I manage to get out, before I break down in tears again.

"Take your time beautiful," he whispers rubbing my back.

"My older sister Angelica. She- she died in a car crash," I say, but it only comes out as a squeak. At first Robert doesn't say anything, just hug me and rub my back.

"It's ok. You'll be ok. I'm here," He says after a while.

"I was so close to her. We were basically twins, we were so close. Even though she was 4 years older than me," I tell him after I calm down. "But when my family moved away from Australia, she insisted that she stayed with her boyfriend and her friends rather than come here," I explain. He listens. "My parents respected her decisions, she was old enough to take care of herself so we moved, and she stayed. She had come to visit every now again, but we always kept in touch somehow. She was even going to come to the opening night of The Guy That Didn't Like Musicals. I was supposed to go visit her recently for her birthday but I told her I was too busy,"

"I should've gone," I say.

"I should've gone," I repeat. I repeat this over and over again getting frustrated. "Why did I have to be so selfish? Why didn't I just go?" I yell getting angry. I pull away from Robert. "This is all my fault! Why didn't I just go see her! One last time before this!" I say tears streaming down my face.

"Y/N, it isn't your fault. You were busy. I'm sure she respected that. I know you loved her dearly. But you have so many people behind you that don't want to see you sad. We'll all help you get through this," He tells me, hugging me again. I hug him back, and we just sit there. I embrace his warmth, and it's nice just to hug him without saying anything.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"You really want to come with me to the funeral?" I ask Rob, tears in my eyes.

"Of course, it beats missing you for a week," He replies pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you," I muffle into his chest. We get in the car and drive to Lauren's house. She doesn't know what's happened, so I tell her where we're going. I fight back tears as she hugs me soothingly. She tells me that she'll inform the rest of the Starkids. Then off to the airport we go.

"Gate B06 flight A4172, your flight is boarding the plane," a woman's voice says over the loudspeaker. Rob and I grab our bags and board the plan. I kiss my hand and tap on the plane for good luck, my family did it as tradition every time we travelled. We find our seats which are around the middle but closer to the front. It's a three seater, but one of the chairs are empty so we have the rows to ourselves. We get settled into our seats and the plane takes off. I grip Roberts hand; I don't like flying that much.

"So," Robert begins. "If you don't mind, since we have 15 hours to kill, why don't you tell me about your family," He says.

"You really want to hear me ramble?" I say laughing softly.

"Of course I do, I love your voice," He says smiling.

"Ok." I say grinning. "I love my family. They're the best people in the world apart from you. I have five siblings. Or at least had five siblings," my smile fades. Robert squeezes my hand showing his support. "I'm the second youngest. I have 2 older brothers, Alex who's 34, and John who's 31. I have 2 older sisters, Elizabeth who's 27. Angelica, she was 29. I have a younger sister, Peyton who's 16. So the order's basically 34, 31, 29, 27, 24 (me) and 16. Two boys, three girls," I say. "Does that make sense?"

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