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A/N Hi I guess we're time skipping

I grab Jeff and Mariah's hands as we bow for the final time. Showing appreciation to the audience, sound crew, music crew, lighting crew and the audience, we walk off stage. I make it a mission to hug every single person once we're off stage. I resist the urge to cry, but I mean, it's the last show. I really hope I get to do something like this again. It was a surreal experience that I never thought I'd be able to do.

Even though we've been beyond tired after every show that we've done, we decided we were gonna go out for either drinks or a light meal after our last show. We deserve it, after our hard work.

We hang out for an hour afterwards, meaning we get home at around 12-1 in the morning.

I wake up the next day and pull my hair up into a messy bun. I'm feeling different today, so I actually put on some makeup. I feel good. I walk out and Robert isn't awake. I get out some cereal and pour it into a bowl, then I add milk. I sit at the counter, eating cereal and looking through posts and reposts of last night. I can't believe its over, just like that.

I basically lounge around all day. I have no plans for today besides to go to the theatre one last time to help dissemble everything, but the entire crew is gonna meet up tomorrow for lunch. Robert doesn't come out of his room all day. I knock on his door. No reply. I knock on it again, but instead quietly open the door. I hear sniffling, as if someone's crying. I see Rob on the floor with his head in his hands. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong," I whisper. He doesn't respond. "Is it about the show?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah," He says reluctantly.

"It's ok. I'm sure we're all just as upset. We've all worked so hard, it's difficult to see it come to an end. You'll be alright though. I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities," I say, hugging him. He nods, but doesn't say anything. "Are you coming to help pack up at the theatre?" He shakes his head. "Ok, well I'm gonna head out then. Love you!" I say, followed my more silence. I frown, closing the door and grabbing the keys.

I get to the theatre and it looks so much different then it has for the last few weeks. All of the light frames at the back of the stage have been partially taken down and there are boxes all over the stage. I sigh, walking up to Lauren and Corey and Jaime. I ask what I can help with, and I'm asked to go help Jon and Joey in the dressing room taking all of the props and costumes to another room so that we can keep them. I meet up with them and we joke around while we help out.

I end up staying at the theatre for 3 hours, which as way longer than I anticipated. I say goodbye to everyone's that's remaining and drive home. As I drive home I think about Robert. He's acting weird and distant, making me nervous. Like it's normal to be upset about a show ending, but he's being distant and quiet. I try not to overthink it, I'm sure he'll get over it soon.

I get home putting my belongings in my room. Robert's door is still closed, meaning he's still locked away in his room. I sigh. I mean, I feel bad for him, I'm sure he's feeling horrible right now, but at one point or another he'll have to get over it right? I wonder if he did this when he was in Twisted.

I sit in my room watching my show, but I still can't get my mind off Robert. He's acting super strange. He's barely said a word to me today. Come to think of it, he generally hasn't said much at all for the past few days, if not weeks. I'm worried about him, but I don't want to bother him. I toss the idea around my mind, whether I should go ask him if he's ok or not.

After a while I get a knock on my door. I immediately get up to open the door. I met with a mess of Robert at the door.

"Can we talk?" He asks, rubbing one of his eyes.

"Of course," I say sitting on my bed.

"You've probably noticed that I haven't been talking much lately. I've been contemplating telling you for a long time, but I just haven't found the courage to say it. I honestly don't know how to word it,"

"It's ok, I'm here to listen," I say taking his hand. He takes a deep breath.

"I honestly don't know what's going on. I'm at a loss. I have everything anyone would want. A beautiful and amazing girlfriend, kind and loving friends, a wonderful job, incredible opportunities, a family that's constantly behind me supporting me, but I still feel sad and hopeless all the time. It's just like, why can't I just be grateful for what I have? Anyone would kill for a life like mine, and here I am sulking about it. Does that make me selfish?" He says, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, Robert," I say pulling him in for a hug. He sobs into my shoulder. "That doesn't make you selfish at all. For the most part, you don't have any control over it. You've accepted the fact that you do have everyone behind you supporting you. My best friend back in Australia was going through the same thing you are. She felt lost all of the time, like she didn't know what to do with herself. I guess that's the same for you. I'm always here if you need to talk. Take some time for yourself. And Robert, it may be very beneficial to go talk to someone professionally. Remember that I love you, and I'm always here for you. Remember you're not selfish, you're human, and you're going to feel down sometimes," I say squeezing him tightly. He doesn't reply, but he doesn't have to. His embrace says it all. He doesn't let go. He just sits there for a while, calming down.

"Everything will be ok. I promise," I say. He nods.

A/N I guess I kinda have to say that this situation is not real at all, it's all just for the story plot and character development. Thanks!

18th October 2019
WC: 1106

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