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"I really have to thank you guys for everything," Aliyah sighs, fixing her hair.

"You don't have to thank us!" I exclaim, smiling.

"No seriously. I didn't even know you guys two weeks ago, but here I am, living with you. You're too kind. I honestly don't know where I'd be right now,"

"It's ok! We know how hard you've been struggling, it's the least we can do," I nod.

"This whole thing has just been surreal," She shakes her head.

"I double that," I chuckle in agreement. "I really was just thinking of people the stage manager, until this opportunity arose for me,"

"Really? How come?"

"Still not quite sure, I guess I just really loved being a stage manager. I got another taste for it at HOCO and it just made me miss it, but starring in it is just as fun," I explain.

"We all tried to convince her to audition," Robert pipes in.

"Oh shush. You all just made me feel bad,"

"It clearly worked," He scoffs. I just shake my head. "Well I have to get to work. I'll meet you guys at rehearsals,"

"Wait, your shift goes through rehearsals?" I ask.

"Yeah, I won't have time to change or anything, so I'll still be in uniform," He shrugs.

"I can bring some clothes for you if you want?" I suggest.

"No point, it won't be that bad," He says, before kissing me on the cheek, and then leaving.

"I've been meaning to ask you," I begin, turning to face Aliyah. "Where do you go to school?"

"I don't" She laughs.


"No, I basically dropped out. Parents stopped paying, didn't enrol me for anything else. And I just stopped caring. I've basically learnt everything I care to know," She explains.

"That's awful," I gasp.

"It's not that bad. I probably would've dropped out anyway," She shrugs.

"Oh," I just say.

"We should get going," I tell Aliyah one hour later.

"Yeah," She agrees, standing up. She slips on some sneakers and grabs a bag. I do the same.

We get in the car, and drive to the studio. I greet Dylan and Joey who are standing in one corner of the room. We talk for a bit before rehearsals. Robert comes in a bit late, wearing his uniform. Not going to lie, he was cute in his uniform.

Aliyah and I get in the car after rehearsals. We stop by Starbucks on the way back.

~ Yay timeskip bc I'm bored lol~

Tech week. The most boring yet stressful weeks in theatre. I sigh as I walk into the theatre. I watch as stage producers run around trying to set things up. I smile, remembering what that was like. I put my bag on one of the seats and then meet up with the rest of the cast whos standing on the stage.

"Alright, let's go through some choreo," James calls. I'm apart of this number, so I quickly tie my hair up and get in position. It's super cool to see everything come together on stage.

Once we're finished dancing, we do vocal warmups, and practice some songs.

The rest of the day is spent sitting, standing and talking. Lights change, sound effects are tested, costumes are tried on.

"Let's take photo," I tell Rob.

"No. I look ugly," He laughs.

"Bullshit. You look great as always!" I assure him, moving closer to him. He shuffles further away.

"Oh fine," I give in. "Aliyah? Photo?" I suggest.

"Sure," She grins.

"Great, thanks," I say eyeing Rob. He rolls his eyes.

"I'll join the photo!" Curt says walking over to us. I snap a photo, before typing "Tech Week Shenanigans". Then I tag Curt.

"I've never asked if you have Instagram," I turn to Aliyah.

"Oh, I do, I just don't use it that much," She confesses.

"You should use it! Especially for Black Friday. It's really cool to see the fan art, memes, all types of stuff," I grin.

"They make fan art?" Her eyes light up.

"A ton," Curt adds. Aliyah pulls out her phone, and shows me her username. I type it in and tag her. When the photo is posted on my story, I follow Aliyah. There are few photos of her, most of which from a few years ago.

"I only used it for my friends," She blushes.

"That's ok!" I say. "You don't have to take it off private if you don't want to,"

"I'll make it public once I delete these photos," She chuckles.

Once she takes her account off private, she gets a bunch of notifications of people following her.

"The Starkid fandom is lovely," I nod.

"That's cool," She smiles.

Just then, the day concludes and we leave the theatre. I quickly take a photo of the outside of the theatre. It's quite dark outside and the lights are lighting up the street.

Rob, Aliyah and I get in the car, and drive home in a comfortable silence.

A/N Yay we love -kind of- filler chapters lmao

10th November 2019
WC: 846

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