|| 14 ||

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I wake up next to a mess I call my boyfriend. I smile before getting out of bed to brush out my hair and get dressed into something fresh. Trying not to wake anyone up (since I'm the only one awake) I tiptoe to one of the bathrooms to get myself ready. When I get out of the bathroom, Lauren's on the couch on her phone.

"Morning," I say softly hugging her. She greets me, hugging me back.

"Who did everyone room with? I was knocked out first, so I never found out,"

"Well I shared a room with Jaime. Jon and Jeff shared. Corey and Joey. I think Mariah slept on the couch, but I can't be sure, she was the last one asleep, and she left a note on the counter that said she went on a morning run, and then went to quickly visit a friend here,"

"Oh. That's cool," I say feeling bad for Mariah. She doesn't really have a close friend in the cast. Sure, we're all friends, but everyone had someone to room with except Mariah.

"Yeah," Lauren says getting up from the couch. "Want a coffee?" She asks.

"No thank you," I reply taking her spot on the couch.

"Suit yourself,"

"Any plans for today?" I ask.

"Duh, we're going to Disney World," She says grinning.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, have you been?"

"No, I've never been to Florida," I reply.

"You'll love it," She says. I smile. Next awake is Corey. "I'll take a coffee, Lo," He mumbles.

"What am I? Your barista?" She asks. Both Corey and I look at her, both thinking the exact same thing. This causes us all to burst out in laughter.

"Yeah, ok, I guess I am," She says preparing Corey's coffee. Everyone wakes up one by one, forcing Lauren to just make everyone's coffee. By 9, we're all awake and Mariah's back from her run. She takes her hair out from her high ponytail. It's odd not seeing her in bold red lipstick or even some form of makeup on. Yet she still manages to look so pretty without it. Jealous.

We all sit in the lounge room, this time not squished onto one couch. We spread ourselves, most of us with coffee. I cuddle up next to Robert, burying myself in his chest, and my sweater. Remembering the dream I had last night, I pop up from underneath Rob's arm that was wrapped around me, almost hitting Rob in the face.

"Oh my gosh I had the weirdest dream last night," I exclaim catching everyone's attention, which began a crazy conversation that stemmed from my dream, to Mariah's dream, so a similar dream that Jon had, to weird coincidences, which randomly turned into luck and fate, and then somehow turned into school when we were younger.

"My favourite school year was freshman year," Lauren says grinning.

"Mine was year 7, first year of high school. I met a lot of new friends that year. Unfortunately I had to leave them two years later," I explain.

"I hated 7th Grade. Middle school literally sucked," Jeff says almost physically shivering from the thought.

"Guys it's like almost 11, we should probably get out of here," Rob says looking at his phone.

"Holy shit, time went by," Lauren mumbles getting up from the couch. We all do the same, grabbing things from our rooms. I grab a small bag and stuff a few things in it. Rob grabs a hat and puts it on backwards (his staple item) and then we leave the room.

"Ok, how the fuck are we getting there," I say chuckling once we're outside of the hotel lobby.

"Good question," Jon says looking at the road in front of us.

"It isn't that far, we could walk right?" Mariah suggests. We all look at her like she's crazy. "Just as suggestion," She laughs.

Somehow, we all end up at Disneyworld, but a bit later than anticipated.

"Come on! We have to go on this ride!" Lauren squeals pulling me in one direction.

"I want food!" Mariah whines pulling me another way.

"Mariah look!" Robert points at something I can't see, pulling Mariah an opposite way. This causes both Mariah and I to fall over each other sending us into a massive fit of laughter.

"You guys," I say in between laughter, trying to catch my breath. "Theres.. no need... to fight over me..." I say causing us to start laughing again.

"Well, Y/N," Robert smiles looking at me. "What do you want to do first?"

"I was actually hoping we could take some photos for the gram first," I say smirking, as I went with nobody's suggestions.

We take multiple photos. I take one with Robert, doing a cheesy cheek kiss with my leg kicked up. I take a photo with the girls, Lauren, Jaime and Mariah, sitting on the ground laughing. I take another with Jon, jumping on his back and holding up a peace sign, and then we take a group photo, asking a stranger walking by to take the photo.

(Forgive me I've never been to Disney World so we're skipping this)

"That was so fun," I say skipping out, holding hands with Robert, while juggling tons of souvenirs and food.

"I had so much fun," Jon grins putting his arm around me, purposely third wheeling. I roll my eyes chuckling. We get back to the hotel at around 7pm. Of course, we stayed for the sunset. Because obviously. And obviously, we had to take photos. There was no hesitation there. I sink into the couch after throwing all of my belongings in my room. I find the photos that we took and then post them with the caption:

Today was magical Thank you guys for always making me feel special <3

"What are you smiling at?" Lauren says sitting across from me. As if it were timed, she gets a notification saying she's been tagged in a post, and she replicates my smile as she looks through the photos. "Aw I love these. You and Robert are so cute!" She says.

"Aw thank you, but I really love the photo of us girls. It's so well taken,"

"This one with Jon is so iconic," She points at her phone.

"The sunset one is absolutely gorgeous,"

"I think we've come to the mutual agreement that they're all amazing and we're just all adorable," she says laughing. 

13th October 2019
WC: 1081

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