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Beam's POV

Phana assured me, Forth will come tonight. But he is an hour late. The other night he was 30 minutes late.

Is it raining? No it is not. But i checked on the window to be sure. It is not raining.

Why am i worried so much for him.

"Beam, anything bothering you?" Phana asked i looked at my two best friends.

"I am fine."  I took my phone out, but i donot have his number only Phana has it.
Opened my facebook hoping he is online.
But not.
He must be driving.

I need to refocus, i need to get him off me.

I just want to thank him, for the revenge. Though, it was not for me i also feel that i gained revenge on that asshole..Miguel.

I drinked two vodka on on rocks, still no Forth, Phana and Kit are havimg good time now.

I drink another one. And a girl fall in my lap.

She smells good.
I am so suffocated with her alluring smell.
Her lips tastes like sweet candy, she passed me the candy and i chewed it inside her mouth.
I rolled my kiss on her neck, she smells inviting.
I want more.

"I am really late, sorry guys."
Wait i know that voice. I almost pushed the girl that clings on my neck.
I felt bullets of sweats rolling my skin.

Why do i feell like being caught cheating. Damn. His effect on me.

I looked up and his smile welcomed me.

I smirked on him. Kit is having a good time and Phana is gone, wait. Phana is gone.

I send the girl off.

"Get some ice water for us sweetie.will you?" I whispered.
She nooded.
She looked at Forth.
"Hi, Forth." She said then she went off.

Why am i jealous?
Who am i jealous of the girl or Forth?
F^ck it must be the alcohol.

I offered Forth a drink and he drinked it.

"Why am i calld here and the one called me already left off?" He asked. He is calm.

"Because you are more than an hour late." I said plainly. I thought.

"You really drinked a lot, your words are scrambled.":Forth said.

"Hey i am not." I said.

He smiles and gave me water.

"Enough alcohol, have more water." He said.

I nooded.

"Thank you man." I said after drinking the water.
He looked at me.
"Thank you for beating that asshole. He is a pain in the dorm. He plugs his possition."

Forth nooded.

"Okay, he was a pain in my bruise." He said and drinked half of his vodka.

The girl came back.

Kit said goodbye holding the girl on her waist.
Forth and i just nooded.

"Forth how did you guys know each other?"
The girl asked.

"Let me ask you how did you know Forth." I asked the girl.

Forth cleared his troat.

"Pla, Beam is a friend of Kit and Phana. Then Phana is in the pageant also." Forth said.
But how did he know this girl?

Never mind. I tried to drink another glass of vodka, but he gave me a glass of water with ice instead.

Forth shook his head and smirked.

"Pla i think you should take him home."
What? What?
You Forth should take me home.
F^ck what am i thinking?

I decided to stand and the girl or Pla her name is. Helped me stand.

I saw Forth shook his head and drinked vodka. He did not looked at our way.
But i saw a girl sit where i sat facing him. He smiles.

"Have a good time dude." I mumbled. I saw a waitress with a drink on his tray i pointed at Forth and drinked two glasses of whisky.

Now i know i am tipsy.

Next thing i know. I am devouring the girl on a bed.
I am now in my mind, but she is the one who offered me condom.
I smiled and let her lead the way.

I slept and still feeling tipsy. Must be the alcohol.

I woke up with terrible head ache, it is 2 am.

Wait where am i? Motel.
I make quick shower and left a note. Though i dont remember everything.
That was a nice one night stand.

Then i left.
How did i get here.
We where on the other part of the city.

The traffic is light for it is too early. I stopped at 7/11 and bought water i have pain reliever on my med. kit that i always bring with me.

I also bought noodles and ate it. Then drinked the medicine. I stayed for a while, before driving back to the universiy. I encircled the wide place. I drove 3 more kilometers finding an entrance to the University. The only gate opened is the Engineers.
The guard checked on me i show him my id.
The guard does not want me to pass for i am not an engineer student.

The head hazer walked to us.
"Oh, hi Beam." He smiled.
"Let him go through dude, he helped the freshmen yesterday, he is part of the first aid." He said.

I thanked Tae, and the guard.

"Beam, sorry again for what Mig did. He is under discipline right now." Tae said.

I nooded.

"One last thing Beam, if this happens again, you are free to pass here if they do not let you through just tell my name." He said.

"Thanks Tae." I said and drive off.

Actually the head hazer seems kind but his co-members of the lead hazer team are a bit haughty and rude.

I drove to my dorm.

I dived on my bed. Good Mornight ya' all.

I woke up with terrible head ache. When will i learn?

I get up and take a good shower then put on my uniform and left.
I was only here for  a week but seems like i am popular here. People knows my name and they greet me.

I walked to the porridge stall i need some. And ordered my favorite.
I looked for a place to sit and eat the place is a bit crowded today. Now i know why.
Phana and Forth sits on one table with Kit.

I am excited to sit beside Forth, but a girl sat there.

I just sit in front of Forth.

"Hey Beam, good morning" he said.

I just smiled and nooded.

"Where, were you when i get back?" Phana asked.

"Why would i wait for you, when you left without a word. Kit said goodbye to us before he left." I complained.

"I just send her home." Phana said.

"Is that all?" Me and Kit in unison. Then we looked at each other and shook our heads.

Forth is clueless.

"Well, our friend here is reserving himself for someone, he does know if he will meet him again." Kit said.

Foeth nooded and smiled.


That smile again.
It must be the alcohol.
But the alcohol i had last night is now out of my system.



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