#1 rule

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Forth's POV

I crampled the paper and i walked to my room. I throw it on my bed. I am still naked. I went to my bathroom and showered.

I get on my saturday clothes.
One night stand never get off my brain.

I needed food i have not eaten last night. Did Beam ate?


I saw my phone.

I checked on it and my photos are everywhere.
Who cares.

I saw a food comtainer on the table.
Another sticky note.

Reheated it and stole almost half of it.

I smiled.
He should have eaten the whole thing. I wont mind.

I took a picture of it. And posted.
You should have eaten the whole thing. I wouldn't mind.

Then i ate the rest.

I laughed at the comments.

But i never leave a respond.

The questions asked are upto the one who asked it.

Then call on my phone.

I answered it.

Forth have you seen Beam?
"He was here, but gone when i wake up"
Okay, i will try to call him again later.
"Phana, congrats"
Don't you congrats me. You did not do your best, if you did you should have won.

I laughd loud.

"No my friend, everything fall in it's place perfectly. My college never even had confidence in me that i will reach the 1st tunner up."

Thanks man, for making me win. Kit is here, and He said, Beam is in his room.
Sorry for bothering you Forth.

"A friend is never a bother to a friend. See you around. Hi to Kit."

Then i hanged up.

Never a bother Phana specially for Beam.
I smiled as i remember last night.

But the morning came.

No matter how bad or how great the night has been.
The morning changes everything.

My eyes landed on the note.
I usually get notes from one night stand with their name adress and number on it. But Beam's notes are different.

I sighed.
For i know the #1 RULE OF ONE NIGHT STAND.
No second time.

I dialed Lam's number.

The guy on the other line just sounded

"I got it. Take a rest. See you monday".
I gotta get out of here.

I need to breathe.

I opened the garrage and hid my bike. Locked it and started my car.

I texted mom that i will go home.
I heated my car's engine for it has been a month last time i used it. It has been a month since it got here.

I went back inside. Grabbed my house keys, locked all doors picks up my phone wallet charger placed in a sack bag then locked my front door. Drive the car outside, locked the garrage and the gate.
Then i am now on the road. On my way home.

I texted my Head Hazer and my senior, that i am on my way home.

4 hours drive.

Mom welcomed me with a big hug. I miss home. It's been a month.

Out of my League. (ForthBeam FF)Where stories live. Discover now