let us cook

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Beam's POV

It has been more than a month since Forth last texted me.

I have not seen him also since then.

Six more months. But i cannot wait anymore.

We had a great night, the night he was officially a announced as head hazer. we did not do it as i requested. We played cards again. Tease and kiss each other. We had quality time together. But the following nights and days. He vannished. I went home for a day. And my dad gave me tons of words.

Like i broke my promise.

They even showed me picture me and Forth eating. The night his place was decorated.

And i am strictly ordered, to avoid him.

I know what i want. I want him.

But i have not told them yet. Six more months. Damn. That is too long.

I really feel like dying.

My necklace. I hold on the gear.

"Hi Beam." A familiar voice said.

I looked up and it is Tul.

"He asked me to give you this and check on you. He really misses you. But he is forbidden to see you." He said and placed a strawberry shake in front of me. He also placed a note beside it.

I miss you love,
I know we have to endure, but it will only be in short time.
I love you.
I always keep the necklace close to me.
I really miss you. !ove.

I almost teared up. I smiled at Tul.

"Thank you."i said shortly

."Hazing will start next week" Tul siad.

"Good Luck to all of you. And to him specially." I really don't wanna speak anymore or else i might cry.

I smiled to hide my cry.
"Could you tell him i miss him also."
I said, and i felt tears rollls down from my eyes.

"Yes, it will reach him, confidientially." Tul said and stand and walked away.

I followed his direction and Max is waiting for him. Standing besside his bike. I waved at them smilling and they both nods at me.

Then i let my cry out.

I cannot take this shit anymore.

But i have quiz today.

Beam focus.

I read the notes again.
He is doing his job well.
I must do my job well also, for now it is to study. So i have to study.

Tissue landed in front of me.

Kit and Phana smiles at me.

I took the tissue and let out my cry.
My two best friends comforted me.

I can smile now.
As i drink the shake. I felt better.

I focused on my sheets and read.

"Gonna be okay?" Phana asked.

I smiled at him and nooded. My friends know what i feel.

The bell rings.
Here comes the quiz.

My day became ehausting. Lot to take in. We onky had one more week then the short course is done.
While other colleges are on their orientations and some still on vacation. We have pur short course so we will have short span of time finishing our course.

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