busy hands

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Forth's POV

After i left him there, seeing Max  and Tul lurking around, i am satisfied.

Call time. I smile as i see Phana and Wayo walking to the pavillion. But Wayo walked ahead. Kit followed them i looked for Ming, and there with Lam and the rest of the staff.

Now, there goes my love walking, like  i am watching one of the top models on his beach attire, walking towards the group. Max and Tul stood few feet away form me and each other.

We stood like guards here.
And that is why we are here anyway.

The satff talks about regulations.
No alcohol while we are here. I been there and i survived, because Beam was my alcohol.
Curfew at 10pm. Nice. But we can lurk around.
Meals 12nn, 6pm, 7am. Then no more, but there are stores in the resort hut they have to pay their own food.
And other regulations.sched for the day. After lunch an hour of rest then photo shoots, then some team building. Then swimming . 6pm dinner, they can go back swimming after dinner till 8pm. Then they can lurk around till 9:55pm.

I saw Beam stood and went in the kitchen area i walked to Lam to take my place.

I followed Beam.

He was talking to the resort staff.
Checking on the foods. And the dinning area.

"Hmmm, my boyfriend is kinda OC this time."i commented.

He looked at me and smiled.
"Just making sure they got proper nutritions." Beam said.

The staff started arranging the plates and he helped them. If guys would only know they are serving with young master here.

"Forth," Beam called out.
I walked to him.

"Wash your hands love and help me here" he said.

Me being called love with that soft voice. Who would i not to do so.

I helped him as i saw how he carefully placed the cut foods into a small jar. Then covered it.

"This is enough for their immune system" he said.i smiled at him and followed what he does.

And we did 20 litlt jars for the candidates.

The comtestants get their plates and stood in 2 piles, Beam give a jar to ech who passes by. Wayo looks at it.
"You need it Yo, you gotta eat it." Beam said.

Wayo sighed he is not a fruit eater.
I watched over him. As he eat. I leaned on him.
"My wife said eat it all." I whispered.

Phana sit beside him.
"They are right,,you need it" Phana pleaded.

I walked away from them. Some candidates really does not tasted it yet but rejected it.

"Guys, doctors are here and adviced you to eat it. If something happened to you because of lack of nutrition, they will put neddles on you and place that nutrition in your blood stream choose, eat it or be on bed while injected by those." Lam shouted.

The canditaes tried eating their fruit of jar, some realized it is good, and some really tried hard to eat it. Others ate it unforced and enjoyed it. I looked at Wayo, he is enjoying it. Beam served him more. As Phana requested.

Lunch was fun, seeing the girls on diet picked only the fruits and veggies.
And some ate a lot. The contestants and chaperones are done eating. The staff told us to eat also.

Beam sit beside me.
"Where are your fruits?" He asked me i smiled at him and showed him my bowl of fruits.

"Hey love birds." Lam sit in front of us.

Phana and Kit followed him.

"It is time." I whispered.
Beam nods his head.

"Guys." Beam stared. I hold his hand under the table.

"We are boyfriends officially" i said and raised our hands.

"I win" Kit said.

"I am really damn when it comes to this" Phana said.

Lam scratched his head.
Tul and Tew high fived.

"Are we the center of bet?" I aksed my friends.

They all nooded.

Beam just laughed.

"Prove it then" Phana siad.

"What?" Bean exclaimed.

I pulled Beam for a chasted kiss.

They throw tissues and bits if veggies on us.

"Hey don't spoil the food. " i scolded them. "Besides what proof do you want."

"Okay, Tul stay in Kit's room. Max and Tew we stay in my room. Leave Forth's room with Beam. O i am sure Kit Ming will join you tonight, do not worry Tul will be there to control him.

"Wait Forth is to be a chaperone." Beam protested.

"No worries, we got that covered." Tul said.

Beam silenced i wrap my arm around his shoulder.
"I will behave love," i whispered.

He nods his head and finished his food.

The contestants are in their photo shoot and all man power needed. Me and my gang carried the props and everything needed. Beam and Kit helped in the photographer needs such as light effects and others.

Beam was always busy. Then later. Tul and Tew helped them in preparing the contestants snacks.

Time to relax, i am sitting where we sitting talking to Wayo.

The comtestants are enjoying the waters.

It is near sunset.

Beam sit beside me and leaned his head on my shoulders. I hold his hand and let our finger interlock.

"Love, you know i dreamed of this. You and me by the beach watching the sunset." I whispered.

"I feel tired Forth." He mumbles.

"Take a nap love" i said and kissed his head.
To tell to those eyes who's watching us. They must know by now i belong to him. And he is mine.
"You had been busy. Take a nap now. I love you." I said abit loud let those who can hear it hear it clearly.

"I love you too. Forth" he said closed eyes.
I reached his hair and run through my fingers on them.

Few seconds and he breathes deep.
Tul stood beside us.

No one will disturb him from his nap. I hold his hand his busy hand  the whole time the event officially started. I asked for his help and he is really a big help.

"Forth" he mumbled.

"I am here love." I whispered and run my fingers through his hair again.

Max came gave me pillow. I let him lie on the chair. And fix his body so he can rest his whole body.
I blocked the sun from his face.

"Forth" his voice is louder.
"I am here love, sleep now." I whipered and run my fingers through his hair.

The sky is getting dark and the sun starts to set. Max and Tul left when Beam is in his deep sleep.

"Love, wanna see the sunset?" I whispered.

He is like zombie who sit up and opened his eyes.

He smiles and looked at me.

I know he is happy. He leaned on me again.
"How to make your dream come true."

"Hmm, in my dream we kissed." I was to tell more but he pulled me for a kiss. But i did not let rhe chance go and kissed him back.
It was a chasted kiss. We are being cheered.

We looked at tbe sunset and it was gordeous.

This was my wish during my final test of endurance. Sunset by the beach with Beam hands busy because inlocked with each other. "I love you" he whispered

I am the happiest.



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