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Forth's POV

Beam drived bunso to get our parents from the hotel to the university while Ming and Kit fetched me. Beam does not want me to drive so he asked Ming to do it for me.

This couple gave me their gift as they show up in the door of our apartment.

Wayo hugged me as soon as i reached the univetsity main gymn.

As i took a step, i looked at Phana.

"Buddy, remeber the day we meet here for the campus moo competition?" I asked.

"Yeah, and it is unfair, i will be stuck here for another 3 years while you can go to your work." He answered.

"Told you one of the reasons i said no to meds." I laughed.

"Kit, the day i met you, you where on a table on that part with Beam." I said and pointed at the palce where they used to sit.

Kit laughed.
"Yeah, and i know it was Beam you where looking at." He said.

"And his eyes never turned away from me"
Beam said out of nowhere.

Our friends laugh.
But i held his hands.

"Come on love birds. Photo booth is that way." Pauline said to us.

"So are we invited on your wedding?" Pla asked.

"Yeah!" Beam said and smiled.

"I hate you both, i had crush on both of you. But you ended up together." She said and pouted.

Ming laughed.
Kit scolded him.

The six of us went to the photo booth.

Me and Kit, a friend who helps me at all times specially when i need something to know about Beam.

Me and Ming, my litle brother since we where kids. Until college he followed my footstep becoming an engineer.

Me and Phana, a one true friend. But clueless about love, but learned in the process. Now my cousin is happy with him.

Me and Yo, my litle Furball. Turned into Fireball. He matured a lot but still the Kind Wayo is there.

Me and Beam, my beloved. My all.

My parents joined me and Beam. But Beam stepped away on the second pic. Then my brothers.

Also Beam 's family came for me we also had a picture.

The ceremony started.
I want Beam to be by side
But he gave this oportunity to my parents.

Mom was happy and kissed Beam and thanked him.

Beam whispered me his reason why.
He said first we are not yet married.
And second my parents deserves to have this time with me, for their 4th child graduated.

As i recieve the leadership award for being a hazer for two years and other awards i looked at Beam, he saluted me. Well the whole 4th and 3rd year batches leaded by Ming saluted me.

My friends who are graduating with me also did saluted me.
I teared up.
With joy, it indicates i really did well.

As me and my parents come down from the stage i run to Beam and hugged him.

The crowd roored.

"Go back there" he said to me i have too, because he is now in crimson red.

My mom talked to me about revealing Beam our house. His mom almost talked to him about something and hugged him.
Beam teared up.

Mom looked where i look.
"Go" mom said.

I walked to them.

Beam wiped his tears and smiled at me.

"Lunch reservation is ready. We can go there now." He said.

"Love, is there something wrong?" I asked Beam,  we are walking to the university parking area.

"I am fine, i am happy really." He smiled. Yes his smile tells me he is fine.

I walked a step before him.
"Beam, marry me."

The crowd cheered. He nooded.

"Get up you know i will." He said.
I get up and embraced him pulled him for a kiss.

"Forth, do we have a wedding to plan?" Wayo asked.

"I will send you the details." I said and smiled.

Yo looks so happy.

We proceeded to Perli's place.

It is reserved for the engineers.

Then after lunch. Beam's parents said their goodbye and went home. We will come to them this week end as promised.

My parents decided to go to the hotel, for they will travel back home  later.
My nephew. Mew's son gave me also gift. It was a fountain pen.

My brothers said their gift will be on the wedding day. They knew it is near.

"Beam, you promised me we will get marry after my graduation." I said. We are cuddling in the sofa.

"Yeah, i know" he said and kissed my cheeks.

"Then when?" I asked.

"Love i also have condition." He raised his brows.

"Okay, come let me show you something." I pulled him up.

We decided to ride bunso.

I stopped in front of the house i have been building for 3 years. Now it now has a roof and furnitures are already inside.

"This is my wedding gift to you love" i said and back hug him.

"Wait! Wa... "
He is speachless.

I opened it and he is more stunned his hands runs through the futniture, the cabinets. Tables, chairs. Then we went to the stairs.

I showed him evryroom and the attic.

Also i showed him the backyard a space with canopy where the kids could play.

He teared up and hugged me.

"I love you Beam." I said.

He kissed me.

"This is our lovenest." I whispered and wiped his tears..

"Our home" he said.

"We can have the wedding here." He commented and looked at me.

I nooded.

"Wayo can do great on this i know." He then puled me inside.
"Call Wayo we meet him tomorrow and bring him here. I know he will like this." Beam is so excited.

I grabbed my phone and made a bussiness deal with Wayo.
My cousin is as excited as he is.

Yeah who is the real cousin here.
But i am happy.

What is the best gift i receive today?

Beam 's enthusiasm about the house and the wedding.
The best ever. Finally he will be legally mine.

But still iam wondering what bothers Beam.
Why did he cried earlier?

I wanna aske but i know he will deny it and when he is ready he will tell me i know.

He holds me close as we drive back to our apartment.
I feel more loved everyday specailly when he holds me like he won't let go.



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