let go

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Beam's  POV

Head ache!!!!!
When will i ever learn??!!

I sit up.

"Good thing you're awake." Kit said.

I don't now what to say.

"Are you gonna eat now? I will reheat your Porridge."
I looked at Kit, he placed the bowl of porridge in the microwave.

"Forth was here, as he promised last night, but he did not wake you up, he stayed till 8am, but he is called in the pageant area so he left." Kit narrated.

"What happened? How did i get home? Wait Forth?"

"Drink that water beside you." Kit walked towards me and sit on the chair beside the bed

"Let me tell you a story, there is a guy, who claims to be straight and as stiff as uncooked pasta. But turned soft and queer, when boiled. So this guy, have a friend, and strongly denies he fall for his friend. But everytime he is drunk he calls for that friend and everytime he is drunked in front of his friend, he made fool of himself and kiss his friend, without noticing his other friends are around."
Kit narrated.

I think of it
"Forth was here last night?"
I asked Kit.

"yeah, he brought you here. He drove your car."  Kit aswered.

"Did i kiss him?" I  asked with red face.i know i can feel my face.

"Trice my friend and more. In front of us. Me Phana and Lam." Kit said smirking.

My head ached even more.

Bits if memories comes to my mind.



"Eat you breakfast, drink madicine, take a bath. You promised him lunch, so be ready before lunch, you will not drive your car. You will ride with me. I will be back. And we will go to the main gymn."
Kit said and walked to the door.

It is a command. From? The three of them i guess. Phana Kit and Forth.

The hell he was here last night, he drove my car, i kissed him again for how many times?

F^ck i wish i could remembeer those kisses.

Another f^ck! He is the only guy who has an effect like this on me.

I better run to the bathroom.

I took my bath before i eat, it was all Forth i can think of. How to face him again.

As i eat the porridge, i remember the words i asked him. Does he hate me? Is he mad at me? Does he avoids me?

And i cznnot remember his answers. If i think of it my head aches. I will ask Kit i know, he knows the answers.

I am arranging my polo making sure all is neat like i used to do before leaving my room.

Knock on my door.

I thought it was Kit. I opened it.

"Hi!" He said and smiled.

My phone in my pocket vibrated.

"H.. hi" i said back.

I opened it wider. To let the person in front of me get in. He picked a bag that i did not noticed before.

"I left this" he said.

I read the message.
Since Forth is there, ask him your questions, and i am off, he will bring you to the gymn. Just ask. Or you will walk.

Out of my League. (ForthBeam FF)Where stories live. Discover now