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Beam's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, i panicked.

But i felt hand wrap my body.  And i smell Forth's scent.

I remember..

O my goodness. I remember everything.

"Good morning Beam Berame Jaturaphoom." He make his face close to mine, o gosh his smile. He pecked on my nose.
"Did you have nice sleep my love?"

I swallowed and i nooded.

He looked at me seriously.
"Are you okay?"

I nooded.

He pulled me closer to him and kissed me.

Knock on our door. I pushed him and sit up. The door opened.  Forth did not mind it. He pulled me back to bed.

"Mom" i said.

"Good morning Beam, Good morning Forth. Breakfast is ready." Mom said and Forth let me go i get up from the bed with messy hair and run to his mom.

She arranged my hair.

"Come down for breakfast. Forth stop being naugthy and feed your wife.":she scolded.

"What?!" I am so damn shock with what mom said.

"Oh, i thought you came from honeymoon.": mom said and and smiled at me
"But no babies till both of you graduated." Mom then walked out of the the door saying. "Gotta check your brothers."
Then the door closed.

"You heard mom, i gotta feed you." Forth said and pulled me for embrace.
"I love you Beam." He wisphered.

I embraced him also. "I love you Forth"

We stayed for a while. Then another knock.

"We are coming." Forth shouted.

He pecked on my lips and comb my hair with his fingers. Then we walk out of his room. Mew greeted us but run down the stairs. Pod followed.
"Excuse me coming through. Hey lil bro hi Beam,"
Then run to the dinning area.

I am shy about this.
I cannot take a step anymore.

How can i face his family. I know they accept me, but me? I know my family and theirs are not in good terms. And the worst. We broke the 1 year rule.

Damn it!

"Love, come on, they accepted you right?" Forth said, we are near the dinning area.

"Yeah, that was last night. What if they are just considerate because it was midnight. And we are all tired and needs rest. Now that everyone is in good state.... "
My eyes widens. And i pushed Forth. He stopped my rants by kissing me deeply. I tried to punch him but he embraced me tightly.

"Calm down love."he whispered.
"I love you and that is enough" he said firmly but not loud.

I breathed deep. He let go of me.

"Come, everyone is waiting." Forth said.

Dad and Mom get up from their seats and  walked towards me. They greeted me and Forth with a kiss in our heads.

I became contious if how i look and smell.

Forth showed me where to sit. Then he sit beside me.

Mew and Pod. Make the breakfast light with lots and fun interview.

"Second year meidicine student ei?" Dad asked.

I nooded and smiled.

"Finally! A doctor in the family!" He exclaimed.
Forth hold my hand under the table. And he smiled at me.

"We where pushing Forth to be on medicines but he enrolled engineering. Because that is the exam he took is Engineering entrance exams." Dad ranted.

"That is why i will marry a doctor" Forth said and looked at mw.
O god.
Too soon!!!

I felt like i turned red. And Forth conformed it.
He took the hand he is holding and kiss it.

I am now turning violet. I am gonna die.

"You cornered Beam so much. Give my son in-law a break!" Mom exclaimed. Yeah is she saving me or confirmimg she agrees with her son and husband.

"Beam, try this lil bro." Mew said and placed a pie in my plate.
I thanked and nooded.

"Forth let his hand go, he can't scape our family, let him eat." Pod said seriously

And seriously. Why does this family is so like this?
I wish my family also can accept me like this. I hold my tears and ate the pie

It is good.

Forth gave me a glass of milk and water.

"Milk? Really?" I asked

"You need it love." He winked. I rolled my eyes and start drinking the milk properly.

"Mom Dad what to do today?":Forth asked.

"The two you, stay here and cook for dinner while the rest will have our own bussiness. Make your lunch also and Forth make sure you feed Beam well. So in the future you will have healthy .. lives." She said.

I am struck with their words. I looked at them.

A/N: warning  this is gonna be dramatic.. i really hate dramas. So sorry i am not good at it. Haha.

Mom looked at me.

"Beam, come here sweetie." I walked close to her. Dad stood beside her.

They looked at each other.

"We love our Forth, and we love who he loves."Mom said.
"For formality and to make you at ease. Beam welcome to our family. We are now family." Dad said.
He signalled Forth to come and he stood by myside.
They took our hands together. And both of them clothed our hand with theirs.

Tears rollled from eyes.
They accepted us just like that. With no hesitations. And no questions.
This love.
This is family.

They hugged us and Forth wipe my tears.

"Love, together we will face your parents." He said and hugged me tightly.

"Hey we are part of this family also." Mew said and joined the hug.

Pod also joined the hug.

"Beam dear, when your parents reject your preferances come to is and we will arrange your marriage you are both adults, we are enough to make it legal." Mom said

I smiled. But deep in my heart i know my parents wont do that. But in case.
I laughed inside.

I hope
I plead to the gods of heavens. Please ..
May my parents have the same respond as Forth's parents.

The family driver disturbed the hug. The apointments they needed to attend will be cancelled if they do not move now.

They kissed us and went on their own plan.

Forth looked at me.

"What about having a steamy hot shower with your boyfiirend first before checking the house." Forth breathed his words on my nape then kissed it.

I moved a step from him.

But he is still holding my hand.
He lead me back to his room.

He removed his shirt.

O god i am doomed.

As i am kissed i kiss back and moan and savour the kisses i recieve on my whole body. Next thing i know i am naked in a hot bath. The water is not too hot but my boyfirend made it hotter.
Gosh i am so drawned more and more to him.

"I love you Forth!"
"And i love you more Beam."

My cousin is a third year student in medicines actually it is her 8th year and her advice for drinking milk properly is curd the milk and drink it solo, to be able to absorb the nutrients it has.
Just sharing.



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