my heart

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Forth's POV

It's been two days since i saw him close to me.

I miss him.

What takes them so long.
O well.(looking at his wrist watch.) I am 20 minutes early.

I asked permisson from Phana on this and he gave us a go.

I get my phone from pocket and play my game to kill the time.

"Forth" i looked up.

"Hey, Phana. How are you?" I said a bit excited.

"I am fine, but Beam is a bit shy." He asked.

My eye brow lift.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know when Kit saw you, and reported him you are already here. He run to the toilet never wanna come out unless you disapear." Phana said.

Then my phone vibrated.

Can, you get me later at the dorm? Please?
Beam's text.

"Which bathroom?" I asked Phana

"Follow me." Phana said.

"What made him so shy?" I asked.

"Physically nothing change." Phana said.

"Well you guys have not noticed it. But are getting thinner. The three of you." I said.
"That is why i rejected it badly when dad asked me to be a med. student." I said.

We reached the boys toilet and Ki is inside he pointed me where Beam is.

We waited till all the people inside are gone. Then Phana locked the door leaving only the four of us inside.

"Beam, get out now they are all gone." Kit said.

"What about Forth?" He asked.

"What are shy about?" Phana asked.

"I don't want him to see me." Beam said.

"Why?" I asked. I did not helped it. I speak up.

"Forth?" He asked.

"Yes, love?" I said. Looking at his best friends.
Kit swallowed and Phana just looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" He shouted.

"We had a deal love, i will come get you so i am here." I said.


"Beam, open this please." I said.

"Love, open this please."


I sighed.

"Berame, my love, if this door is still close in 5 counts. My senior will come here tomorrow and fix this door and others things i might destroy." I said in calm voice.


"Love, open it please."


The door opened.

Phana and Kit opened the main door
"Love birds we will go ahead." Kit said.
I nooded at them

Beam is still inside. On his uniform neatly tucked in his pants. Shoes clean.

I took two steps to make our face meet an inch apart.

"What are you shy about?"
I whispered.

"I.. forget the necklace." He said.

"Where?" I asked.

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