running away

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Beam's POV

Kit is with me in selection of rooms. Because we are not guests and not really staff, but will help, so they gave us separated room from the candidates. While Forth has an assigned room to be a chaperone for two male contestants.

Phana is also assigned to a room where he will be a chaperone.Lam and the rest the gang will also stay in one room.

Tul, Kit and I helped the arrangement of the rooms.

Ming and Wayo stayed in one room. Kit winked at me.
"We can put Phana here." I suggested.

"Why so?" The staff asked.

"We got two potential contenders, and who can help them? Ofcourse the campus moon." I said.

The staff is convinced.

Then we matched the other chaperones in a draw lot style. Because we can't identify all the contestants.

The staffs are happy with it. They asked the contestants to find their room and roommates. Then settle. Call time is 11 am. They have an hour to rest.

Then we gather the chaperone and give them their room numbers. Kit and i walked to Forth and Phana. We gave Phana a spare key and gave him his number.

I whisper to Forth who are Phan's roommates. "It is about time." He said. And looked at Phana. Kit get Phana out. I gave the spare key to Forth assigend eoom and the number.

"Are we roommates?" He asked me in a whisper.

I shook my head and smiled. Then went to other chaperones and give them their assigned room and spare keys.

One asked me.
"Doc, Beam, are you in this room?"
She asked as i give her the keys and number.

"No, that is girl's room. And the owner of this gear will throw you out if ever." i said and winked.
She looked at the gear and her eyes widens.
Pauline walked to us.
"I will handle this Beam." She said and guided the girl out of my sight.

Then i finished my first assignment give the chaperone their assigned room.

Call time is 11 am. So i went to our room Kit and Mine. Kit's bag is already there. But he is not there.
I smiled yeah. Kit went with Phana to Wayo and Mimg's room. Kit forget about that. I arranged my bag and claimed the bed near the window my room.

I walked out of the room and texted Kit
I am at the beach you forget your spare key with me.

I walked in the beach it is so beautiful.

I saw Wayo running towards me and embrace me. He cries and cried.

"I hate him... i hate him...": he cried and cried.

"Sh... stop crying, you will have photos and your eye bags wil eppear."
I said softly.

I guide him to seat under the coconut shade. There and long benches there.

"Why are you running away?" I asked.

"I hate him he is not just stupid he is also jerk. Why can't he see that i never changed. I might changed physically but my heart is only for him."
Then he cried again.

"Okay, please stop crying. I can arrrange new rommates for you. If you ask." I said.

"Can i stay with you?" He asked.

"No, dear that is violating the rule. I am not a chaperone. Or Kit. Forth cannot stay with you also because they are both engineers and you are in science. That is why there is doctor and engineer witb you. I can ask the agriculture to exchange with him."
I narrated.

"That will cause more complication love" Forth said and sit beside me.

"Wayo, face it, face him. Be bold and be firm my cousin. He is stupid sometimes and only stupid when it comes to you, because he is clueless. But love understands Wayo. If you run away from it, you will only regret it"
Forth said.

"Tell us dear what happened" i asked.

"Ming left me sitting and said he will look for snack. Then Phana came and said he will be our chaperone. He asked who our room mate is. Then he asked my whole name then he was shocked. And the next thing he did. He pinned me on the bed and kissed me. I was shocked i pushed him. Then i panicked and run."
Wayo cries and tells the story.

I gave him water.

Forth get his phone.

"You fool big jerk, get your ass here and be repsonsible of what you did." He said on the person on the other line and told him where to find us.

He kissed my head.
"Can you love?"

"Yes i will handle this, go let Tul and Max lurk around so they will help if trouble comes." I said. I can hadle this but i need back up.

"Furball, don't run away okay." Forth said and hugged him. He then turned to me and pecked on my forehead and leave.

"I will punch him myself." Wayo said.

"I know, i will not stop you. That is why Forth left he knows you can kick that jerk" Phana is good friend a best friend.
But yeah a jerk sometimes and when times like this comes i love to watch. When he will be kicked and punched. But he cannot fight back? O i love watching that.

Phana sit beside me.

I sighed. I hate this point but i am a friend to both.

"Wayo, are you ready to listen? Stop running away!" I said.

"Phana, cool enough to be a man now? I know you missed him damn much" i noticed Wayo breathing changed i hold his hand he is nervous.
"Phana, stop being a jerk"i paused.

"I will leave uou to, i expect talking no running no harashing." I said and stood and walked to Tul.

"I love watchimg this game." Tul said.

I looked at Max who just sighed.

"You know guys i can handle this, there will no more fights. Max go now." I said and winked at Max.

The jerk carried Tul away.
Tul was shocked and tried to get of Max.

And my eyes went back to love birds on front of me.

Phana stand and guide Wayo to stand. They both waved at me.  I looked at the tome. Still have 20 minutes.

I sit where they came from and watched the view.

I smiled.

Someone came and sit beside me.

"Beam" the guys called out.

"What can i do for you?" I asked.

"Can i ask a questions?"

"You already are asking go on." I said sarcastically.

"Are you and Forth..."
He pasued.

I looked at him in the eyes.
"Boyfriends, yes we are" i said straightly.

"Aw,." He said sadly

"I better go then. I don't wanna be a prey to the hazers." He said and stand and walked away.

I laughed at myself. That guy, is the agriculture moon of last year he was with us, when we sat there and chat.

Let the news spread. It will reach Phana and Kit, but i will just confirm it to them.
I wonder how is Kitty and Mingkwan are right now.



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