just a friend.

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Forth's POV

Days has passed. And i have not seen Beam.

I cannot come to their college for i am under Hazing.

But i heard news that Beam's is the new cassanova of the university. 4 damn days and he became the cassanova.

I shook my head from the news. He really knows what he wanted now.

I walked to my bike and plan to leave.

"Forth!" Mig called out.

"What can i do for you?" I asked him while getting my helmet.

"Can you give me a ride?"

I looked at him.

"Why are you shy now?" I asked him straightly.

"I.. since Beam is um on the other side.... Forth, can .. "

Do i know where this is going?

"I... had been eyeing you since day 1 and... Forth can i have a chance with you?" He really is shy and now nervous.

I thought so.

"Mig.. i can't i'm sorry." I said.

He stormed towards me and hugged me.

"I don't wanna hurt you Mig. You are now a friend. I appreciate the things you did for me. But please. You know to whom my heart belongs to." I said it clearly.

"Even if he never looked your way?" He asked.

I nooded.
"I still have hopes. Take care Migs. Se you around."

I know how much it hurts but i know Migs, he can get over it later. When he found a new toy.

I ride my bike and went home.

There is a bar near my apartment.

I saw Phana and his gang there. I only get there when they are gone. Lam or any of the boys texts me when they are there or when they leave.

This time Tul, is there. He texted me they already left.

I walked in and went to the counter.

A girl came to me.

"Hey, Mr. Moon, alone? Let me join."

I looked at her nice body, nice curves, hips, ass, boobs, so delicious.

"Honey you look great but i am not in the mood?" I said.

She sulked and walked out.

"Rejecting another meal?"
Damn i miss that voice.

But i need to compose myself.

"Na, i just want to unwine, that would give me headache." I said and smirked at Beam.


My weakness.

I miss that smile, that lips.

I take another shot.

"She is kinda delish." He said.

I smiled at him

"Then get her." I said.

"I don't do that, i let them come to me." He said.

I nooded and smiled.
"Yeah right." I said.
But you always come to me when you are drunk.
I smirked again.

Another girl came to us. I ignored her. I gulped another shot.
"I am good and i am done my friend." I said and i paid my bill stood up and went out.

Out of my League. (ForthBeam FF)Where stories live. Discover now