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Forth's POV

It is 9pm. My co-first uear from different strands of Engineering are coming and taking their seats as our assigned seats since this training begun. Tonight. The junior 4 lead hazres will be identified, and i will be announced head hazer.

I will be on the next hazing batch 1st in command, and on my third year i will lead the team, my team.

Beam promised he will come. I wish he has something on him, that represents me if this gear is with me.

Maybe a ring.


"Beam, how many layers more?" I asked him. i am excited with the kiss, every after application of the three lotions.

But it really does help.

"Last 2-3. Be patient it is healing." He said.
He applied the second botle, that hurts everytime he put it, but not this time.
He applied on my face, and he pecked on my lips and smiled.

I embraced him. I really want to devour him.

"Forth that will be your last kiss, look at my shirt." He said.

The lotion transferred to it.

"We can enjoy being togther just being together." He said.

I know what he means.
And i agree.

We apply and dry and apply and dry and apply and dry the three different lotions for so many times. But i reacieve kisses, we tell stories and eat in between. We even played cards.

He applied the last one. And smilled.

I pouted. I did not got a kiss.

"I had a fun night Forth, thank you. It is a refreshment for big exam tomorrow." He said.

I love his smiles and that is enough even without a kiss.

I can feel my skin is refrezhed also.

It is 11pm. I have to leave, he have an exam tomorrow. Never mind about the gear i will get it tomorrow. He peomised he will come.

" i will leave now, love. Thanks for healing my skin. It felt better." I said.

He stood and took two steps to reach me and kissed me. Not a chasted one. But i need to control he still have exams.

I embraced him and enjoy our make outs.

"I love you"
He nooded in respond.

He pulled me again for a kiss.

Then i felt his hands on my neck then on my shoulders.

"Give this back to me after the ceremony. I will be there." He wihispered.

Now my gear hangs on my neck.

I embraced him even more.

"Thank you love, yes, i will give this back. This yours forever. I am yours."  I said still embracing him.
W e let go after a mmoment.

"I have to go now, love, see you tomorow." I said softly.

He step back, i want to grab him back in my embrace. But we both need our rest.

I reached for his hand and kissed it. Then i leave the room.

End of flash back.

I was awaken from day dream savoring last night. Lam woke me up.

Out of my League. (ForthBeam FF)Where stories live. Discover now