Just A Friend (Beam)

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Beam's POV

One of my seniors said Forth comes here, but we never crossed our path. I hope tonight we will.

I wanna tell him what i decided. Be friends.

I tried my luck, of coming alone, late. 10 pm. I reached the bar near his apartment.
As i enter, there he is, on the counter. With a girl.
But the girl was stamping her feet walking away.

I burged in and greeted him.

He smiles but i can feel he is distant.
We talked for a while.

And there is girl that flirts with me.

Forth said his goodbye took a last glass and went out.

I talked to the girl and made her leave me alone. Then i looked for Forth, i run to his apetment but the lights inside the house are still closed. I run back to the bar and saw Tul, i asked him Forth's number and called him.

I asked him to stop where he is and wait for me.
I run to find the location he told me.

I found him standing like idiot waiting.

I smiled. Breathed deep. As i walk to him i inhaled and exhled.

His smile.
His pressence.

I want to touch him.
I want to pull him for a kiss right here right now.

I sighed inwardly.

We both looked at the Ramen shop and nooded.
We both know we want it.

I miss him.

But i rather keep him as a friend, than keep on hurting him.

I wanna tear up. But i can't do it in front of him.

I don't know how to say it.

"But atleast i have you as a friend."
I did it. I said it

I looked at him.

I remember what he said before
If you figured out what you want, come to me.

I looked for him. I come to him.

"I understand" he responded.

A litle silence, but i have to keep the converstaion.

"How are you?" I asked him.

And he talked about hazing

I wanna ask where have he been whole week end but as his distant friend i think it is not necessary.

I am floating in my mixed emotins right now.

And we focused on our ramen, this is better when still hot.

We might be friendzoned.

As nome once said.
It is just a zone, can move out from it, it is not imprisonment do not be bound to it.

I sighed inside. But smiled outside.

We get out of the ramen shop after we eat.

I voluntarily paid for what we eat.

He had costs more than this for me weeks ago.
As a friend it is good to share but for now let me pay for it. Maybe next time we will share.

I want more time with him.

"Do you have a ride?" He asked me.

I shake my head.

"Let me drive you to your dorm."

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