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Forth's POV.

Things got heavier in my college. It is the last week of the practice for the competition, and the begining of heavier training of the hazing.

We are enginerrs not militars. Lam mumbled one day. But as engineers they said we must know how to endure physical and psychplogical pain.

It might be pointless.
But it distructs me, so iam fine with it.

Starting that day, the day he left my apartment i have been silent.

It has been 3 days and i have not seen him yet.

Tae let me go out tonight, but warned me about over drinking.
I had no plan to drink heavy anyway. I just wanna unwind. I entered the bar with the gang, the different one, hoping i will not find Phana and his gang here.

I am not avoiding i just do not know what to say. Or do when i saw him.

"Relax, perimeter checked, no doctor here." Max said.

I smiled at them

"Wow for the first time since forever. He smiled." Lam became excited.

I shook my head and siped on my light beer. One for the night and i am  good.

The smell of boost is sofficating me, i asked my friends that i will be out for a while.
The place has this small garden and lighted. I  saw two people and i ignored them.

I walked pass them without looking. I went to the other side where there is a tree. And sat on the bench.

I was enjoying the light of tbe city, hearing the music from the bar.

"Forth?" A girl called out.
I turned around.

"It is you Forth, thank god it is you. Help please."
The girl said.
I walked to her, now i know her humanities candidate. She looks like holding a man.

"Beam, Forth is here, he can help." She said. I walked to them.

"Please handle him. I cannot bring him to his dorm. I saw him drunk in the counter, he said call Phana but i cannot find his phone." She said.

"Yeah i can handle him."

"Thanks Forth my girls are waiting for me.."
She said and gave me Beam's key to his car. Then she left.

"Beam can you stand?" I tried to wake him up.

"Mum dib blip boo bble mm." He mumbled.

I almost laugh, he is so cute and handsome.

I tried to call Phana but his number is out of reach, then i texted Max and Lam.
Something came up, i will update later.

I sat beside Beam. He is sitting but almost embraced the big pot of a plant.

I reached for his head and run my fingers through his hair. Still as soft as before.
He leaned on me.

"Hey Beam" i whispered.


"Let's take you home." I am still whispering.

"Mm, Forth" he mumbles

"Yes it is Forth, now let me take you home." I whispered.

"Forth?" He asked in a louder voice.

"Yeah!" I said.

He moved away and looked at me. Then he embraced me.

"Forth my friend. I miss you damn much.":he said and tried to punch me but he fails

Out of my League. (ForthBeam FF)Where stories live. Discover now