convince me.

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Beam's POV

I almost run down the car when o saw what is Forth doing.

He looked at me.

"At ease" he shouted and the freshmen are atease. They are joined together in squat arms on ech of their side.

Forth waked to me. He smiled.

I raised a brow. He raised his hands.

"That is it for today guys. Bring Ming and his friends with you tomorrow or it will be worse." He said. The freshemn shouted.

Goodbye sir!
Beam come again tomorrow, so he will be in good mood.

I chuckled Forth looked at them. And they silenced and run their own ways.

"It is their fault they forget "all for one, one for all." So they are all punished." He said.

"I know where Ming went, he asked Kit for a date." I said.

He laughed.
"He must know how to balance everything." He commented.

"Did you" i asked.

"Din't i" he asked.

"It was fine because i was confuse. But if he will tell everything to Kit, Kit will understand." I said.

"So the plan for the last day done.?" I asked him.

"We will handle that tomorrow. And speaking of that." Love can you acompany us please?" He asked.

"Hmm. No." I ride buckey.

He hopped in the car beside me and kept quiet.

"Why don't you take no for an answer?" I asked.
He looked at me fiercely.

Shit he is so sexy when he is mad.
And i dont deny it.
Now i know the rumors are true, Lam was right i must mark my territory well.

I cleared my throat.

"Love," he looked at me he is driving his gaze is back on the road.

"What is it?" He asked.

I don't know what to say. I just want him to look at me.

"What are we going to cook for dinner" i asked. We still have time to cook.

"Let's see later." He said. I gulped dryly. His voice is mad.

"Love, sorry." I said softly.
His expression did not changed.

I sighed.
I must make it up to him.

I know he needs me on this trip. And when i come, Kit can come. And we can convince Phana to join also. And the med team is secured of they have higher years with them.

We reached his apartment. He is silent but still he opened the door for me and the door. He holds both our bags and placed it on the table.

I opened the refrigirator and looked for something to ccok.

He embraced me as i investigate the ref.

"Love, how can i convince you to come." He gripped on my waist

I stood straight with an empty hand. His hands travels in my stomach.

"Love. Let me cook dinner."
I said.

"Not till i convince you to come." He said.
His hands gives me touches of lust.
I have been longing for this since lunch.

His kiss rolls on my neck from nape. I leaned my head on his shoulder and my body is pulled closer to him. My arms reached for his head and turned my body to reach his lips.

His kiss rolls back to my nack sucking it. O god let it be, i want him to mark me there.

"Love, we need to eat."  I said and tried to scape from him.

"Please come. And i will let you go" he whispered.

I moved away frem him. He catched me and he made me face him, he gave me a hot make out.
This convinced me.
But i want more.

"Let me think .." i said in between our kisses.
"We have lots quizes to come" i excused myself.

He sighed and just hugged me.

"Let's find something to cook." I said.

I grabbed the chicken and gave it to him. Beans carrots potatoes.
"Do you have curry powder." I asked he opened his condiments cabinet
"Coconut milk or evaporated milk?" He gave me evaportaed milk.

"Chicken curry" i said.

He smiled and cut the veggies.
While i clean the chicken cuts and prepared other ingredients.
We cooked while chatting of our day.

Then we had our dinner. It is my duty as a wife? Thinking of it. Yeah i am the wife. Haha.
To wash the dishes. But he cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor.

We sat on the living room and watched his favorite series.

"Love." He called while nibling on my ears.

"Hmm." I answered.

"Please come with us."

I wrap my hand on his shoulder.
"Convince me" i said softly.

He turned off the TV and carried me bridal style to the bedroom.
He layed down on the bed. Then he removed his shirt.

I really like his body i hide my drool.

"How to convince you?" He asked and smirked.

"Please me." I commanded.

He looked me in the eyes and stared to swayed his hips.


My heart skipped and i hide it evrytime i swallow.

He danced so sexylly. And i am dying for his touch. I wanna jump on him right now, but i wanna know what else he can do.

So i keep my hands gripped on the matress and body on the bed.

But he started unbottoning his pants the loosen his belt. Slowly he took his pants of. Then left his boxers.

O shit!!!

He even moved forward slowly till he reached the edge of the bed. He crawled slowly to me and kiss my feet to my legs. Even if i still have my clothes on i can feel his lips. As it rolls up to my tigh. My inner tigh.

Gosh busted.
He now knows Beam junior is standing and ready for him. He teased it but his head comes up he bite the hem of my shirt pull it up while his eyes is alluring looking at me deeply.
His hands runs in my chest circling my niples.

Finally his lips landed on mine but he left it soon.

"Forth" i moan in protest.

"Tell me you will come with us Love." His lips landed on my lips again and he leave it again he then moved to my jawlines. To my ears.

"Forth" i moaned his name again, his fingers never left my niples which are now hard.

"Yes, love?" He asked sexily.

"I will join the trip."
As i said it he kissed me on my lips and made it deeper. I released my hug and every cloth that is left in us flew away, and i am ravished.
We fed our lust and desires for each other as join our bodies in union.

We moan and groan as we enjoy our love making not in rush, but every moment count every push and pull every kiss every hickey.
This night is different.
We embraced each other as we cum, together.

He  embraced me after and planted small kisses on my face to my chest to my arms.

"Thank you" he wisphered.
"Thank you for a wonderful night, and for coming." He said and kissed me on my cheeks.

"Good night love." He said.
"I love you"

"Good night too, and  i love you" i responded and kissed his arms.
His embrace get tighter.

I closed my eyes feeling loved and full.



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