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Kit's POV

Phana is in our room and asked me to look for Beam. Where would he be?

I walked through the engineer's cottages. They greeted me, i asked them if they saw Beam. They pointed the direction.

Why is he that way. I have not seen Forth and his gang since they regrouped this afternoon. 

I walk till i reach the last cottage the separated one. I saw Forth walked out of it, i followed him, to ask him if he had seen Beam, then we will look for him if not.

I am walking fast to catch him.
He froze, i looked at the direction he is looking at.

Damn Beam!

I walked to Forth's side.

"Forth have you seen Beam?" I intended to make my voice louder.

Beam looked at us the girl looks guilty.

Forth, blinked looked at the  ground.

"Shine, go back to your group now." Forth said fiercely.

The girl walks to Forth and kneeled down.
"I'm sorry."

"We will talk tomorrow, go back, you should not stay here any longger. Kim is inside the cottage. Go now. Beam bring her to her friends now."  Forth said.

Beam just looked at Forth.

Forth smiled.
"I know, i  understand." Forth said.
"Go, Kim will be out any minute." Forth commanded Beam.

Beam wants to stay with Forth. But the girl run Beam looked at me.
"Go" i said.

Forth and i watched them.

"Now i kmow what he wants. This is the answer. You should go back also Kit."
He said to me softly.

"But what about you?" I told him.

He smuled and said.
"I will be fine, atleast i know now what he wants. "
His smile is so lonely.

He tried to walk but his feet failed him. I helped him. He is taller than me and a bit heavy, but atleast i can be a walking stick for him.

"Lam i shouted when we are near their cottage. "Lam help" i shouted louder.
Lam and Kimmon, get put of the cottage and helped us. Each of them get Forth by his hands
"Hot water i said. Tew boiled water through an electric ketle.
"We also need cold water to drink."

"I got it" Max said and run out of the cottage.

"Forth it is okay to cry." I said.

He looked at me. He smiled, but tears run down from his eyes. He needs alcohol, but it is forbidden. No one has it even the resort does not sell some and the market is too far from here.

"If it is painful, cry it, we will not judge you" i said. Through him i can se pain, agony, grief no i can see throe(excruciting pain).

I can feel his pain, Lam looked at me
"What happened Kit?"

Forth started to cry. I nooded at Lam and he followed me outside.

"He saw Beam kissing a girl named Shine." I said.

Lam said and run back to Forth.

He embraced Forth.
"It is okay we are here."
Tew tapped his shoulder the hot water is ready.

I get the pail from the bathroom.
"What to do doc," Lam said.

"Hey classes did not even start yet."
I said
"Check his hands."
Forth is shaking.
"Cry it out Forth, it will distress you." I shouted.

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