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Beam's POV

The event made me tired thanks to Forth i had a power nap.

And i can go through it again after that wonderful sunset.

Then we had dinner. The contestants really used their freetime well, the staff and us sneak around to make sure they are all safe. We used our phones to commumicate in monitoring them all.
Tul told me to rest by the beach. I walked where the water touches. The water feels warm the waves are calm. I saw love birds. Contestants sitting near me. I ignored them and walked a bit far from them making sure i still can see their shadows.

And some contestants decided to play in the water splashing everywhere.

I smiked and shook my head, the life guard opened the lights. Well they still have an hour.

"Beam are you gonna soak in the water?" Ming asked.

I shook my head and walked backwards i know what Mingkwan is planning. Then i bumped into a body. And hands wrap around me. I smell my favorite smell.

"Forth" i mouthed.

"Yup, i looked for you." He said softly near my ear.

"I was just here." I said.

"This guys are making you tired." Forth siad annoyed.

"Sasshhh... we are here to help and lead them and guide them so they can enjoy while the burden of being moon is on their shoulders." I said.

He moved closer.
"What about me" he kissed my nape.

"Forth stop." I hod both his hands and loosen it then i faced him."we are in one room right?" I asked . He nooded.
"Only the two of us?"
He nooded.
I just smield.
"Wait till we reach our room. Okay?"

He smiled and nooded.

We walked at the side of the water holding hands. Back and forth.
They are really having fun i secretly looked at the love birds they moved near the lights now.

"So who was with you, when you roam around?" Forth asked.

"Tul, he always acompanies me."i said.

He halted also made me stop form walking. Almost pulled me. We heard a sound. I know that sound.

"It is time" i said to Forth.

"It is time people gt out of the water now." I shouted. Forth shouted louder. Then i heard Ming also shouted. Then i counted the bodies that gets out of the water and they are complete also checked the love birds and they are now walking to the cottages.

The life guard searched for more in case. I followed the lights as it hit the waters. All clear.

"17, gets in 17 gets out. 2 sat beside the waters two stood and walked in the cottages. Did we miss anyting?" I looked back.

"Okay let us go in the life guard house."Forth said.

We walked there and the guard agreed with Forth we used the lights and binoculars to make sure no one is left out.

We meet the staff and we are assigned to check the boys rooms. The girls on the girls room. Phana sits on the sofa while Wayo alone sleeps on the bed.
Ming sulks in one corner drying his hair while Kit is on his head set and Tul walked in the bathroom.

The 8 other contestants are inside except for one. Some chaperones are in their rooms also.

We saw others having snacks and buying something to eat.

"I got foods for us" Forth said. And pulled me i did not notice our hands are still holding each other.
Then we saw the missing contestant. Now i know the girl is neither a staff or contestant.

We aproached them.

Forth asked the boy's room, and he called Lam.
Later Lam cane and gave both if them new room.

"Let them stay in one room, the girl doesnot have a room to stay" Lam said.
We agreed.

Lam lead them to their room.

Everything is setled.

"You promised me something love."
That whisper.
O god.
My hairs stood hearing that tome of his voice soft but husky.
I felt nervous and excited.

I just smiled shyly.

When we entered our room my things are already there. He embraced me from my back and kissed my nape.

My hairs stood and i felt shiver and excitement.
His touches and kisses.

"Forth" i wanna stop him but it turned into moan.
"Can i take a shower first?" I asked. His hands removed my shirt.

"Let us shower together. Form this moment not gonna let you out of my sight." He groaned.

I turned around to face him i want to kiss him. But he pimned me on the wall and devoured my chest.

Forget about shower, do it!
My lust screams
My lips are hungry for his kiss.

"Still wanna have some shower?" He asked.

"Change of plan." I said and removed his shirt and kissed his lips.

I shamelessly moan his name.

And let him carry me to the bed.

We liberately let out our desires and savour our moments. We forget where we are and who we are with. We forgt the things that bothered us and enjoy the pressent. We shamelessly let out our graons and moans.
This is our night.
My first year of adoring this hulk above me.
My fist year of looking at him as a demi-god.
Does he knows it no... and please do not tell him. Let it be my secret.

"Beam, look at me" i looked at him
Then he hold my back lifting me from the bed.
"I love you, and it's been a year."

O god.

I feel him inside me. Releasing his seeds for the second time. He cling on me making us closer as if possible,

"Beam.. my Beam...":he whispers in my ears.

The sweetest words and music i ever heard our bodies move together.

"Forth.." all i can say is Forth.
My love,
My oxygen
My happiness
Mine only mine.

Still we grind our bodies together, we are tired but we don't want this to last.

He lift my head.
"I love you Beam."

I smiled at him
"And you kmow i love you right?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Tell me love"

"Forth, i love you"
And as a reward he kissed me lovingly.

"Can you handle for another?" I asked him.

He looked at me.

"You never stop surprising me love." He whispered.

"I like it when you call me love." I confessed.

And he moved me again we are sitting and he guided me how to move we pounded and i jumped up and down on him.
My blue meter exppoded . What could be higher that the ends if the universe. That is my where my happiness reached right now.

We both gaso for air after that third round.
I am so horny. But we both enjoyed it. He slowly laid me down. And we separate. I felt numb and empty but my heart is filled.

He cleaned both of us. And he kissed me on my face. I smile as he planted small kisses.

He layed beside me, and i embraced him. I touched his bare chest. He is so perfect. I kissed his chest sucked it bite it.
He gave me lots of it i will also mark what is mine.

"Beam " he moaned.

I gnore him and continued giving him my marks and hickeys.
He is mine.



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