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Forth's POV

"No need of beating him up." Beam said as we ride buso.
He asked me that we will ride my bike.
He said for fun.

Beam hides lots of things under his sleves. I know he has a plan

He texted a lot while we are walking to the dorm. We reached Phana's room.

Pring opened it and was starled to see me and Beam, then she get out of the room.
Beam hold me and pulled me inside Phana's room.

It is neat and the bed is not crumpled no sign of odd activities done in here.
But Phana was shocked when he saw me and Beam as he raised his head.

"Aww." He said.
"What got you two here. I thought you where o your honeymoon or something." He said teasing but serious voice.

"We where, but my cousin called me and crying because of his doctor boyfriend seems busy with his miatress." I said. Looking at him.

"Where is Yo, i tried to contact him but Pring throw my phone, i even cannot contact Kit." He said.

"Phana, i just talked to you" Beam said.

"After i talk to you, she throw my phone." Phana explained.

"How long did she stay here?" Bean asked.

"I have no idea, we argued about Wayo, then we fight for my phone, we landed o  my bed and kissed me. I ressited till i throw her out of the bed. Then i commanded her to get out. She did.  Then i tried to call Yo, but he is not answering. I wonder what took him so long, he said he will come to my room. Then you called. After that i still tried to call Yo but he is out of reach. Then Pring came and throw my phone on the wall. I scolded her. I almost slap her. But i just pushed her and i tried to check my phone, then you two appeared."
His story is long Beam and i knows he is not lying.

"I love Yo, since grade 9, and i love him more." He said.

"We know where he is."i said. Beam pressed my hand.
Phana looked at us.

"My friend Kit and i told you before, Pring is hell for you. Yo, came to see you, but he saw the kiss. So he run away. Carefull Phana, Wayo is cute and adorable. If you are not my friend and if you did not really love him, i'd convinced him to have a date with Lam."  Beam said.

My jaw dropped. And Phana also did.

Beam smirked.
"Well Lam is now tamed by his senior Mig, but remeber great Phana, you have tons of potential rivals. Specially now, Yo is exposed and meat of all rumors in the whole campus, this is a big university, but his popularity, exeeds your meter rate. Cage him in your palm, before other snatch him."
Beam said.

Now i know what Beam is pointing at this rate.
Bending Phana's knees.
The great Phana, will be bent by the Furball.

"But cut off both their suffering." I said.
I lookedat Beam and he nooded.

"Do you know the new cafe in the city? Look for it and you will find him there. Pauline and the girls will handle Pring." I said.

"God luck." Beam said. And laughed.
"Love, can we get some of my things from my room?" Beam pulls me out of the room. I saluted Phana.
"Sure love" i said and closed the door behind me.

Beam pulled me inside his room once we reached it he locked it and kissd me.
The next is the rest of our honeymoon.

"Good luck Phana" i mouthed.
"Good luck to Kit, how can he hadle and cope up now."  Beam said and removed my shirt.
"Can we focus on our honeymoon and let them do what they need to"
I agree and let my clothes of me. And enjoyed my wife in his bed.

Out of my League. (ForthBeam FF)Where stories live. Discover now