i wanna stay

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Forth's POV

After sending Beam, to his college this morning, i received a text from the jewelry shop i ordered from.

The day i cleaned my guess room, i asked my parents how to make him live with me.
I also called his parents about this, they gave me a yes, but it is up to me convince Beam. And how to do it.

My parants advice me to buy a ring.
I get it after our class. The rings

I was planning to give it to him on lunch.
But you know what happened. He just elaborate it before this. (Winks at you).

Still holding the small grey box in my pocket.

I am now standing  beside Beam's car. 15 minutes and they will be out of their class.
Lam and the rest will take care of the hazing. And Ming is not allowed today to leave early. But their training wont be hard.

I also texted Phana and Kit about this.

And i donot know how to ask him.
But is he ready for this?

I donot want to impose things on him.

"Hi Forth!" Kit. Kit?
Where is Phana and Beam?
Don't tell me Beam is shy again, but i saw him wear the gear this morning?
I have not noticed my brows are knitted together.

"Let us wait for Beam and Phana they had an errand to do today." Kit said.
I just nooded.

I must thank this litle guy here.
Because of him, Beam and i have 2 weeks straight to be together. And i wanna extend that. Because also of him all the freshmen have light works in hazing.

I smiled at him.

"Ming's birthday is coming. What is your plan?" I asked,

He looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Well Beam asked me to be friendly to him untill next week, and i promised him everyone will be nice to him untill friday next week. But after that. Kit you know your boyfriend is next in line right?"
I said.

He nooded his head, is he blushing

Naa, i donnot want to tease him.

Ming arrived.
Hmmm the hazing for today is done.

"Hi. O, hi Forth." Ming saluted, i responded.
He stood next to Kit.

They are in a small argument.

"I got your friend Kit, just go." I said.
Ming looked at me.
"Hey Ming, i wilk tell you this once. You grew up with us like family. But if you mess with my Beam's bestfriend. You know hell will come to you."
I said firmly.
Ming gulped and nooded.

"Yes, Forth i understand. Beam once said my college will turn against me. And i know who Beam is." He said and smiled.
I saluted him.

Then they left.

In a matter of minutes, Phana's car stopped in front of me.
Beam stormed out of Phana's car and came to me.

"Sorry love, did you wait for too long?" He asked sweetly.

Yeah i waited too long but that smile is enough to soothe me.

I smiled at him.
"It is fine now."

"Hi Forth, Bye Beam" Wayo said, so Yo is with them.

I nooded at them and Beam waved at them.

Beam entered the car and followed him.
He is holding a his bag.
His stuff.

"Why did not you asked me so we both can get your stuff?" I asked.

"But i might bother you." He said. And pouted.
That pout
"Beam, i am your boyfriend. One call and i will do everything and leave everything just to reach you." I said in intense voice.

"Hey, don't be mad. I'm sorry." He said and kissed my cheecks.
Forth, you are driving remember and Beam is with you. I reminded myself. I can be wreckless driver, but with Beam with me. I am too cautious.
I focused on driving.

"I will talk to you when we get there." I said in low voice.


Is this war?
First fight?

"Beam, love, who am i to you?"
I asked him. At the corner of my eye i saw him looking at me.
Okay stop.
I parked the car. At the side of the road and signaled hazard.

I looked at him. He removed his seat belt and he sit on my lap facing me.
"Am i not your boyfriend?"

"You are love. I'm sorry." He said and hugged me.

"Ask if you want to be with your best friends, i will give you time. If you want to have fun and drink with them or have quality time with them, just tell me. I will not take that away from you." I said and looked him in the eyes.

He kissed me.
"I'm sorry, next time i will know what to do."
Again he kissed me.
"Let's go home." He siad.
I nooded.
He kissed me one last time, then he get off me.

We reached my apartment which he called home.

He opened the door using the spare key i gave him. Yes this is his also.
He walked directly in the kitchen and looked for something to cook.
He pulled chicken and instant coconut milk.

"What cha gonna cook?" I walked closer to him.

"I have no idea. But it would be better, if you go take your shower now and do something else and let me move in the kitchen freely."

"No!" I said in loud voice but not mad.
Then i pulled him for a make out.
I want to carry him on my bed no on our bed. In our room.
But i am feeling he wants to do this so let him cook.

I went in the bathroom and clean myself properly for Beam. Brushed well and clean my hair.
He ordered me to stay in the room unless he calls me for dinner.

I shook my head and smiled.

But i am nervous and happy. He must say something that will make me sad or happy.
My emotion is devided.
And as the clock ticks in gives me deeper agony.

My phone rings.
It is him.
"Hey, love, stay there please 20 more minutes and we will have our dinner."
"Sh... i love you"
Call ended.
I throw myself in the bed.
Then i remember, gotta change the bed.
So i did. Also sweep the floor.
Arranged my things.

Then he called again.

"Come down now love, dinner is ready"

I went down and it was dim he used the lamp light only and it was a dim light. I walked to the kitchen.

"Love sit down please." He said.

He wears apron to his knees, and he is shirtless and i don't know what else is missing piece.of his clothes.

He walked to the table holding a bowl of rice. Then he sat on my lap.


He is only wearing the apron.

He kissed me passionately. His hands move from myshoulders to my neck, to my nape to my hair.

"Love, can i have another request." He whispered.
I nooded who would not deny a request when the one asking is giving you heavenly pleasures.

"Can i stay here for another week?"
He looked directly in my eyes.

"Yes, please stay. You can stay here the whole college love." I whispered.

He smiled at me.
And we savour our kiss.

"So, what do you wanna eat first?" He asked.

"You are hot, the food also is. But i can reheat you later. I don't want to waste your effort. Just now, and also we need to feed your stomach.
I am gonna make you pregnant Beam." I said.

He laughed and get off me. Then sit beside me.

"Our moms said no babbies till we graduate." He said teasingly.

"Yeah?! Let us see about that" i said and he just laughed.
He then shoved me a spoonfull of chicken curry.

I chewed and smiled. Then i remember the ring on my pocket.



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