i am his.

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Beam's POV

I reached for my phone as wake up.

I started texting.

"Lam, Forth won't make it today, you guys do it." Send to Lam.

"I can't walk i am not coming to school cover for me." Send to Kit

Then i tried to stand, i can stand but my body feels so heavy tho.
I take a step to the bathroom. I made a hot bath and soaked myself on it. My ring made a sound, when i hold on the tub's edge.

I smiled, while looking at the ring and my other hand holds the gear.
Yeah, totally i am his.

My bath helped my heavy body lighten. I still wanna get some sleep, but i can manage.
I cleaned myself get on clothes and went down, i wonder where is Forth and what is he doing.

I smelled breakfast.

I walked to the kitchen.
There he is.

"Good morning wife." His smile is so different. it is filled with satisfaction and happiness.
He walked to me with a cup of coffee on his hand and handed it to me.

I sipped on it. He makes good coffee.
I love this coffee i want it every morning.

"So, what we gonna do today, husband?" I asked him.

He smirked and shook his head at the same time.
"I need to show up until 11 am, and you need to go to class after lunch my wife." He said.

"Aww.." i said sulking then i sat on the table.

He placed the foods in the table and leaned on me he kissed my forehead.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I look at the windows.

"Love, eat breakfast now, you need to eat."  He said with soft voice.
"Beam, listen. You have me every night and everyaday for the rest of our lives. Please my doctor go to class this afternoon." His voice tries to convince me.

I shoved a spoon of food in my mouth.

"Love, please." He requested.

I looked at him, the most feared jerk in their college even some profs' are afraid of him. Only the dean of the their college does not fear him.
But look at him now, he is so soft in front of me. Almost kneeling just to ask me eat well.

"Love, sit down also and eat with me." I said.
But he is right, he is mine and i am his.
Why would i demand for more. I had enough last night.

He sat beside me and eat.

"Forth, i texted Lam informing him you cannot come today." I said.

Forth smiled widely.

"I was thinking of reason how to tell them." He said.

I laughed. One thing he dislike his friend does, teasing him.

"So, i guess i need to please their queen." He said and get up.
I looked at him and his plate.

"What are you doing?" I asked he picked me like a baby.
"Love, eat your breakfast!" I commanded.

He let me down on my chair but pulled my chin up and kissed me.
"The food taste better in your mouth." He said.

"Stop, flirting and eat first"

"O, well my wife who started first?" He asked, and landed another peck on me.
I pushed him a bit.
He sat down beside me.

We eat breakfast. Smilling at each other. No more words. Just smilling and eating. I love this ambiance.

Both our phones rings. Both registered mom.

We looked at each other and both answered, Forth mioved to the sofa.

"What's up mom" i said.

"What's up? Really Beam not a good morning?" She scolded me. Good thing i am in the good mood.

"Sorry, mom. Okay.. good morning mom, what is up?" I said in soft tender voice.

"Aw., what happened to you?" She asked. I laughed hard.
"Anyway, you and Forth will come home this weekend. Cancel all apointments." She ordered.

"Why?" I got a bit nervous.

"Let me talk to Forth" she asked.

"Love, mom wants to talk to you." Forth said while walking towards me.

"Mom also wanna talk to you." I said in low voice.

"Hello, good morning mom." I said i know i made my voice sounds normal, but deep in my heart i am nervous.

"Beam, good morning dear, we want you and Forth come home together this weekend. Please come." Her voice pleads.

"Yes, mom we will" i said.

"Okay, see you, we really miss you" she said excitedly.
"Bye, Beam, take care." She said and hanged up.

Forth sat beside me and handed me my phone i gave him his.

"Did you said yes to mom?" He asked looking intently at me.

"I said yes to both of them, why?" I said and asked looking at him, his eyes smiled.
I am wondering what does this means.

He held my hand and kissed me.

"I love you Beam, and i will never let you go. I will never let you phase out again. If that happens please tell me. I am not good at reading minds, but i will understand and will always support you." He said softly and kissed my hands.

"What is really going on?" I am really clueless.

"Well, we are now in good terms after you leave me for how many days, so, i wanna make sure this does  not happen again." He said.

I smiled at him.

"My husband can we eat first."
He looked at me like he was starled.
This is not the first time i callled him that.
The next thing i am kissed passionately.

O, goodness. To bed or sofa please.
I love his food, i need to eat all this.

"Love, our food is getting cold." I said while he is kissing my neck. He bit it, not too deep and not painful.

He groaned.
And let me go.

I cleaned the table, he did not allowed me to wash the dishes and the thing he used in preparing and cooking our breakfast.
He did not allowed me to sweep or mop the floor he did everything by himself.
He carried me to the sofa, after i wipe the table.

I know where this will go, so i went upstairs and he allowed me.
I cleaned our bed. I live here now, so i can legally say our bed.

My smile fades. I love my privacy. Now that i am in this situation.
I sighed.
Goodbye privacy.

I am standing few steps away from the bed.
I kniw Forth is with me now, i can smell him, his hands wrapped my body and his body leaned on my back.


I love this. It secures me. Comforts me.
Well goodbye privacy. In his embrace. I don't need privacy.
I hold his hand.
He interlocked our fingers, i can feel our ring together.

Yeah, i donot need privacy.
I am not alone anymore.
Forth is with me.

He kissed my nape.
I am his, i let him. This makes me feel better.
When i am mad, if he will just land a peck on my nape, i know my anger will fade away.
My mood will change.

"Love." I let out moan.
This day is ours. I mean half day.
Please do not disturb.
Get out of here.
Let us be in peace in savouring our union in love.
He is mine and i am his.



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