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POV Narrator

Gandalf the Grey had been traveling for three days

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Gandalf the Grey had been traveling for three days. Not stopping knowing that if he stopped longer than a few minutes the girl would move faster. He found a small spot where his body could rest in the shade but was able to see. He sat at the edge of Lothlórien. His eyes trained on the small cottage ahead of him. It was too quiet inside and the flowers outside shined brightly meaning she has been here a while.

He thought of when he first met her as a child. She was one of the oldest and knew she was a powerful being.

He respected her for everything she has done or came across in her lifetime. He was interrupted when he could no longer see the cottage. There stood the beautiful goddess herself. Her hair had grown a few inches and was no longer short like when he last saw her.

It was a beautiful white which he thought suited her perfectly. She had a tiny scar on the bottom of her chin that you had to pay attention to, see it. The other scars he knew she wore were out of sight.

Her gaze was on Gandalf, it was a stern but light gaze. Almost playful but confused.

"Mithrandir. It's good to see you old friend." She said embracing the man and he just enjoyed the warmth she provided.

He sighed, enjoying the hug from the young but older woman. He thought she was going to be angry at him for finding her.

"It has been too long my lady." He said with a slight bow and she smacks his arm playfully, lightly.

"Mellon, there is no need for that. Come inside, we must talk." She said guiding the older man inside the home which he believes is lovely.

It had a cool but warm happy feel to it. It was light yet dark. Had warm browns, soft yellows, and beautiful greens with a hint of blue from different objects all over the room. She had red berries and lembas set on the table as she went to make the man some soup. He could smell the chicken being cooked. Her graceful yet delicate movements had the wizard watching her with awe. But of course he always was always in awe of her.

She had set the red wine in front of him and smiled. "I remember you had requested it that last time you saw me. I would offer ale but I don't have much of it. Haldir and the others found it quite enjoyable."

Her voice gave off a bit of an accent. One he was always quite fond of and hadn't heard in quite some time. "It is completely okay." He spoke sincerely to the woman.

She smiled, grabbing his hand. The size difference between the two made his hand dwarf hers. "Old friend. It has been very long. Tell me, how have you been?! What have you been doing?! Any new books or scrolls you have read?" She asked excitedly to the wizard wanting to know his tales. His adventures in the wild world.

He grins at her excitement. Even at the age, she is, she still manages to be excited and happy like a child in moments. So he went into a tale about his adventures and she sat there looking amused and happy altogether. Eyes going wide at moments in his tales.

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