Chapter 19

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POV Narrator

The small town quickly moving to escape the dragons coming their way

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The small town quickly moving to escape the dragons coming their way.

The master of Laketown along with his worm of an advisor were quickly trying to escape with their treasures. As Smaug came to destroy the town.

"Smaug! Stop!" Atalanta cried out in a thick accented voice. Her dragon voice.

The dragon just roared out in anger as he continued to extract his vengeance.


"I warned you! Did I not warn you what would come of dealing with Dwarves? Now they've done it! They've woken the dragon; they've brought the apocalypse upon our heads! Come on, quickly, quickly! Faster now, I'm trying to evacuate myself here! Careful with that. Never mind the books! Get on, get the rest of it."

The Master of Laketown spoke out in a Harsh tone. Alfred looks to the people scurrying around trying to escape as quickly as they could on the boats.

"But, sire, should we not try to save the town?"

"The town is lost! Save the gold!"


Tauriel tries to help Bards children as Smaug is about to attack.

"We have no time! We must leave!" Tauriel spoke referring to Kili who was still healing.

"Get him up!" Fili spoke and Oin and Bofur do as he says.

"Come on brother, come on. Come on, come on. Let's go." Fili said taking Kili who just batted everyone away from him.

"I'm fine, I can walk." He said not wanting to appear weak.

Tauriel moves helping the little one with her coat. "As fast as you can."

After a few minutes they get into the boat and start to row off but not before they look to see Smaug flying over blowing fire upon the town.


Atalanta growled before pushing herself to her limit in flight speed.

She watched her brother blow fire on the town and cries could be heard and all she could think about was the children. The dwarves. Bard....

She roared loudly launching herself at Smaug. Her claws out and sharp.

She attacked him from the back. Scratching him from the back viciously as she bit him. He roared out in anger flapping his wings violently.

She quickly released him and swooped underneath him spinning up spiking him with her tail.

As she leveled out he roared at her making her tilted her head at him.


Everyone in the boats looked on in terror as the two dragons faced off one another.

The boat filled with Kili and the others looked to the female dragon. The way she was challenging Smaug was....Terrifying.

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