Chapter 29

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Part Two of the Final Battle

Fair warning now this chapter is going to be SUUUUUUUPPPPPEEEER LONG soooo I'm sorry

POV Narrator

Everyone looked to the two dragons riding in and all they could hear is the warrior calls from the riders on top

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Everyone looked to the two dragons riding in and all they could hear is the warrior calls from the riders on top.

Atalanta eyes watered slightly before raising her fist with sword in hand in the air. A smile on her face!

The dragons circled the mountain and Azog's eyes widen in anger, disbelief and fear. He was sure he had killed off all dragons. One he could handle, but more. This made him angry with rage.

Atalanta let her eyes land on the two dragons who landed on the sides of Erebor. So many emotions flowing through her.

Inside of Dale the leaders, Thranduil, Gandalf, Bilbo, Bard. Everyone saw the dragons flying in the air and Gandalf smiled to himself.

His eyes went to the sky for a brief moment. He knew the dovah gods had sent them her way. To save their last living queen.

Atalanta's eyes went to the war beasts that moved to the front and her body tensed. She looked to Dain with a nod.

"We can win." She spoke strongly and Dain looked to her and she raised her fist in the air again and the dwarves called out with war cries. All the while the dragons roared out to their queen.

Dain had looked to the woman who had a new found energy. Her skin practically glowing even though she was covered in dirt and grime.

Her crown still perfectly on her head and he could see how this woman was a leader. He could see her strength.

He met her eyes and he could see the determination and he couldn't help the smirk on his face before raising his hammer in the air.

The dwarves louder now as they felt the energy of their lord and the dragon queen.

Azog in disbelief staring at the woman with rage filling him.

"Attack! Now!"

The horn of the Orcs went off making the queen look to the Orc with a growl.

She was going to rip off his head. Her free hand gliding over the scar on her chest. Even though she was rubbing the armor. He did this to her and now she was going to make him pay.

Her attention brought back by the roaring of the charging Orcs and she let a vicious like smile grace her face.

Yet everyone stopped when the second horn was blown. It was no Orc horn.

Atalanta knew that horn. Having heard it in battle many times.

Suddenly she watched as the stone wall was busted down by the golden bell which rung out as it did so. She covered her eyes some from the dust before standing to her full height.

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