Chapter 8

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POV Atalanta

"Take up arms! Fight! Fight!" Gandalf yelled and I took that as my time to sweep the feet of the goblins before kick jumping back up

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"Take up arms! Fight! Fight!" Gandalf yelled and I took that as my time to sweep the feet of the goblins before kick jumping back up.

I take the chains and swing them out letting one wrap around the goblin holding Thorins throat. A grin on my face.

Yanking with extra strength making its head pop off. With blood flying in different directions. I kick one away from me before grabbing ones head snapping it's neck instantly with a huff.

Gandalf swung his sword that was wielded by my shield brothers. I grabbed the shackle part of the chains around my wrist and hissed pulling back.

My skin sizzling to the touch.

"Gandalf it's laced with nightshade!" I yelled turning let my claws come out and I swiped at the goblins.

Yet before Gandalf could do anything for me, I watched more Goblins attack us. Making me growl and react quickly.

I'm tossed my swords and my bow and arrows making me grin before slicing the throat of a goblin.

Turning I look to see Thorin who was struggling to fight off a few of the goblins and quickly took an arrow throwing it through the goblins head.

His head snapped in my direction with wide eyes taking heavy breaths.

"Follow me! Quick! Run!" Gandalf yelled and I let all the dwarves go first before following behind taking on the goblins.

We ran hard swinging our weapons left and right killing them as they came. I wrapped my chains around my wrists that way they couldn't grab them.

We crossed a bridge and as I crossed it last I brought my foot down making the ground shake as the bridge collapsed. Sending a dozen goblins to their deaths.

I sprint to see Gandalf take his staff and hit the rock above him sending it down crushing multiple goblins.

We continued running so many twist and turns yet I slammed into the back of one of the dwarves. The scent of the Goblin King hitting me like bricks.

"You thought you could escape me?!" He swung at Gandalf with his staff barely missing him as the dwarves shoved him up.

"What are you going to do now wizard!?"

Gandalf slashed his knee than his stomach. The goblin king goes to his knees looking to Gandalf.

"That'll do it!"

Gandalf cried out while slashing the giant goblins disgusting hanging neck. His body weight broke the bridge under us sending us sailing to the ground.

Everyone yelled as we descended downwards. I groan as we land on the ground quite hard. I quickly pulled myself out before anything worse could happen to me.

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