Chapter 9

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POV Atalanta

Thorin and the group looked to me as if I were a monster

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Thorin and the group looked to me as if I were a monster. Something pure evil. Something worth killing. They pulled their weapons pointing them at me but Gandalf stepped in front me.

Always ready to protect me. He's always been that way, especially since he is a Maiar. He was sent down by the Valor. He joined the the Istari and it was just in his bones to protect the innocent.

To do good. It's why I've always loved him. He truly is and always will be my dearest friend.

"Stop this. She saved your lives and this is how you thank her? By pulling your weapons on her?!" Shaking his head he sighed before turning and holding out the sack.

It was the one thing Gandalf always carries. He draped a cloak over my shoulders that I can pull around my body.

"Your a shapeshifter?" Kili asked with wide eyes filled with fear yet curiosity and I chuckled at his comment.

"No, I am no shapeshifter. I am a half blood. We don't have time for this now. Those Orcs will not be far behind. I did not just reveal my secret for us to be caught again!" I spoke with a slightly angered hiss at the end.

Gandalf immediately gripped my shoulders rubbing in-between my shoulder blades. Relaxing some tension in my body.

I take a deep breath before pinching my nose, "I can fly us to the ridge but I will be drained of any and almost all energy. Especially carrying so many." I whispered softly to them.

"We just need to be to the other side of the ridge. If you can get us there by barely floating then we will be okay." Gandalf spoke to me making me nodded to him.

I sigh before taking the cloak off and close my eyes letting myself shift into my dragon form. The cracking of bone and tearing of skin hurt for a few moments but it was something I was use too.

I felt my strength and power over take my body. The armor of my scales strong and steady. I shake my wings out before lowering them down so they can climb on.

"It's alright Thorin. She will not hurt us. If she wanted to hurt us, she would have already done so." Gandalf spoke and they nod slowly inching forward untrusting.

Bilbo was First. He rushed up my wing and was nestled in the crevice of my neck. I arch it slightly letting the spikes of my back come up so he can grip them.

I let a pur like growl as he rubbed in-between my spikes on my exposed skin.

Gandalf chuckled as did Bilbo and I bring my head up to look at the small hobbit. He just places a hand on my skin again and I continue to make the noise in happiness.

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