Chapter 21

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POV Narrator

POV Narrator

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"Let me go!"

Atalanta was being held down as Oin tried to apply the herbs onto her slowly healing wounds.

He went to touch her neck and her eyes flashed a harsh blue at him before swinging her arm throwing Bombur into the wall.

She snapped her arm up catching Oin's hand. "Don't. Touch. Me." Atalanta growled out but Dwalin quickly grabbed her hand slowly trying to pry it off of Oin.

Atalanta thrashed over onto her back as pain strung through her body.


She screamed out as Oin dipped the herbs onto her wounds.

"Fili! Calm her down!" Dwalin said and the male dwarf moved from her leg, quickly around to her head.

She was panting, eyes closed as she struggled to get free from the dwarves.

Fili rubbed her temples and he placed a gently kiss to her head.

"Open your eyes Atalanta." He whispered making the female obey his command.

She slowly opened her eyes for him and he sucked in a quite breath. They were boarder lining the color of red.

Yet he still saw her as beautiful. The way the sweat glistened her skin. The pale porcelain like skin which if you looked hard enough had freckles.

Her hair messy but he didn't mind the messiness. He just saw the beauty shine through her even in pain.

"It hurts." She muttered as Oin continued to spreader the herbs.

"It's to take the infection away. You'll feel fine soon. Then you can help me keep an eye on my brother." He spoke with a chuckling tone.

She smiled weakly at him before looking at the hobbit who stood to the side of the room. Looking at her sadly.

Yet all she saw when she blinked was her little sibling.

"Rowan?" She mutter bringing her head up looking to the side.

It was him. As a child. It was her brother.

"Rowan!" She cried out trying hard to break free of the arms holding her. Her wounds opening and bleeding more with her thrashing and shot blood temperature.

"Let me go!" She cried out as Dwalin held her down with the others and she growled.

She threw Bombur and Bofur to the wall as she kicked Kili and Dori in the stomachs. Sending them to the ground.

"Rowan!" She cried out when she saw he was gone. His blonde hair making the female worry.

She quickly looked to Dwalin before throwing her legs up wrapping them around his neck. He growled in anger looking down to the female.

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