Chapter 4

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POV Atalanta

I huff when Thorin comes our way and he looks at me with a mixture of emotions in his eyes

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I huff when Thorin comes our way and he looks at me with a mixture of emotions in his eyes.

"Ah." Gandalf said with a smile at Thorin.

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" He asked and Gandalf nodded.

"To look ahead."

"What brought you back?" He asked looking at me as I was being unusually quiet. Except my eyes were not on him.

Yet on the stone trolls. I walked forward hopping up onto the troll to receive my blades and arrows. Yet I frowned. When I landed back on the ground.

"Looking behind. Nasty business. Still, you're all in one piece." He said happily but looked at me as I gently ran my fingers across the troll's stone legs.

Something is wrong. Very wrong.

"No thanks to your burglar as well as your female." He spoke and I roll my eyes irritated with the dwarf.

"That female has a name." I snapped at him making him narrow his eyes at me.

"They had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that." Gandalf said moving forward making Thorin give a guilty look.

He stood beside me, "they must have come down from the Ettenmoors."

I frown thinking the same.

"Since when do mountain trolls travel this far south?" Thorin questioned him and I tilted my head in his direction.

"Ooh. Not for an age. Not since a darker power ruled these lands." I spoke softly and I looked at Gandalf as if he knew what I spoke of. Of course, he knew.

"They could not have moved in daylight," Gandalf said and I could see the wheels turning in Thorin's head.

"There must be a cave nearby." He spoke out looking past the group.

I cringe as Gandalf looked at me with a pleading look. I huffed before closing my eyes and holding up my nose before following the horrible stench. It was the worst smell ever. Well, not really but they were still nasty.

My feet softly padded the ground letting the others follow me. We came upon it and I cringed away from the hole and Gandalf put a hand on my shoulder.

"Stay out here. We'll take a few inside."

I nod my head okay with that. My nose was too sensitive to the veil stench. Trolls were disgusting, maybe more so than Orcs or Goblins.

My eyes glide over to Bombur and move in his direction. "Bombur? Are you alright?! That was quite  a drop you took." I spoke worriedly to the dwarf and he turns to me nodding.

He held his head and I could see the bump rising so take off my gloves hands and rest them on his head making him go red.

I smooth circles onto it making him smile. After a minute or two, I lean forward and let my lips place themselves on his head.

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