Chapter 24

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POV Narrator

Atalanta had been taken to a room by Fili and Kili to be changed into a different dress

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Atalanta had been taken to a room by Fili and Kili to be changed into a different dress.

Balin and Dwalin both behind them seeing as Thorin has requested the female to be there with them when they talk.

They had given her a grey dress with black sleeves. The dress had not fit quite right making her wear yet another belt around her middle to keep it on.

 The dress had not fit quite right making her wear yet another belt around her middle to keep it on

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The boots on her feet were snug and comfortable which she liked. She only pulled half her hair back before walking out the dwarves.

She was slow and Dwalin let the feel lean against him as they walked.

Balin wanted to ask what she did back on the table and why she was near death when she woke but he decided against it.

They walked slowly to the throne where Thorin stood with Bilbo. He turned and looked at them before motioning for Atalanta to stand next to Bilbo.

"I don-" Dwalin was cut off by Atalanta pushing herself up weakly.

"Best do as he says for now..." she whispered lowly before moving forward until she was next to the hobbit.

He looked up at her and she down at him. Both wearing smiles.

"It is here in these halls."

"We have searched and searched." Dwalin spoke and Thorin growled.

"Not well enough!"

"Thorin, we all want to see the stone returned." Dwalin spoke.

"And's still not found!" He boomed out and Bilbo shrunk into Atalanta some who laid her healed hand on his head.

"Do you doubt the loyalty of...anyone here?" Balin asked him and Thorin turned to him only half way.

Staring at him he turned around completelybefore descending the steps making Atalanta freeze some. She did not know how well she would do in a fight at the moment. Yet her fear gave her some energy.

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