Chapter 6

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POV Atalanta

I did not wish to be apart of the maps reading

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I did not wish to be apart of the maps reading. I was going to find out either way so I had no desire to rush it.

With still having on my beautiful dress on I walked along side a pathway by a beautiful waterfall. It was a site some wished they could see within their lifetimes.

Taking my time I bring my fingers along the water gently running against the stream. My eyes then turning to the open grass land to see her.

My beautiful White-Shadow.

Smiling I whistled making the girl look up to me and I smile more before walking in her direction. She trots up to me and gently nudged my side.

"Yes, yes I am alright beautiful girl." I whispered to her gently running my fingers over her mane while closing my eyes. Head against hers.

I listened to hear the heavy breaths and the grunting and knowing I was being followed.

"Come on out. I can hear you." I spoke softly running my fingers along the soft coat of White-Shadow. My bright blue eyes casting themselves in the direction of the dwarves.

"How...never mind." I heard Kili say and I grin before turning and looking at my four companions. "I have my ways...also your all very noisy." I spoke out to them.

Dwalin, Bofur, Fili and Kili. They stood there either awkwardly or tough and rigid. I'm sure you can guess the latter.

"Hello sons of Durin." I spoke softly and I could see the wheels turning in their heads.

"How can we know we can trust you?" Dwalin spoke up and I turned from White-Shadow to face them.

"I am not your enemy Dwalin. If I wanted to kill you I would have already done so. So please realize this." I spoke to him directly. Before offering my hand to them.

"Would you like to accompany me back to my quarters? That way I can get some clothing packed away." I spoke and they nod.

"I must take Bofur back to camp. Fili and Kili will join you." Dwalin said gruffly glaring harshly at me and I sigh walk forward none the less.

I knew them finding out wouldn't be easy. They were going to trust me less but I don't much care.

"So you are....a princess?" Kili asked me and I shake my head to him. "We have many names for it....but You call it Queen."

"I was going for a night stroll yet it seems I'm being summoned." I spoke as I see Elrond.

I look to the dwarves and bend to Kili's height. "I will meet you just outside the valley. Wait for me, I won't be long."

They both nod to me and I move to Elrond taking his offered arm.

We take a few seconds before Gandalf speaks, "with or without our help Thorin and the dwarves will march on the mountain. Their determined to reclaim their homeland. I do not believe Thorin Oaken-shield feels he is answerable to anyone. Nor for that matter am I." He spoke making me grin.

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