Chapter 30

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Part Three of the Final Battle

This will have somewhat gore and very violent scenes so just be aware

POV Narrator

Fili and Kili entered the ruins of Ravenhill

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Fili and Kili entered the ruins of Ravenhill. A snarling like sound was heard and Kili went to charge only to have Fili hold him back.

"Stay here. Search the lower levels. I've got this." He turned to where the sound came from.


"Where is that Orc filth?" Dwalin growled as Thorin paced back and forth.

Bilbo appeared quickly behind Thorin out of breath. "Thorin."

"Bilbo!" Thorin smiled at the hobbit

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"Bilbo!" Thorin smiled at the hobbit. Happy to see small halfling alive.

"You need to leave here, Now. Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded. There'll be no way out."

"We are so close. That Orc scum is in there. I say we push on." Dwalin walked forward with a growl only to be stopped.

"No. That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in. This is a trap." Thorin stared at the ruins with wide eyes.

"Find Fili and Kili. Call them back."

"Thorin are you sure about this?" Dwalin spoke and Thorin looked to one of his most trusted friends.

His nephews in trouble. He could not let them die. He just couldn't, they were his family and he would do anything for family.

"Do it. We'll live to fight another day."

Thorin connected eyes with Bilbo only to stop when a thumping appeared. As if drums were being hit on.

They looked to the top of the ruins where Azog appeared with Fili in his hand. A band of Orcs behind him.

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