Chapter 1

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POV Atalanta

I decided to wear a different cloak since Gandalf revealed to me my great mistake

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I decided to wear a different cloak since Gandalf revealed to me my great mistake. I couldn't afford to make those types of mistakes again. Then again, Mithrandir has always been a wise old man.

Moving through the forest towards the little small area of the shire. The grass was a beautiful green and the forest was a beautiful lush green as well. Even in the pale moonlight.

I was late. Very late. Gandalf is going to have my head. Yet again I lived farther away than most and I had business with Haldir. As well as come across some Orcs.

Moving I follow a tiny pathway when a small half-ling, an adult almost, came up to me with a light.

I stop in front of him before bending down into a crouch. Balancing myself on the balls of my feet.

"I'm sorry to bother you, kind sir. I was wondering if you could guide me to the home of Bilbo Baggins?" I asked him in a smooth polite voice.

He puffed his chest slightly getting defensive. "What do you want with Bilbo?" He asked and I smile pulling my hood back some to let my blue eyes peer into his.

I let a soft smile grace my face. His breath was taken from him as he stared at me. "I'm sorry. Where are my manners? I go by the name of Nightingale. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said holding my glove-covered hand out to his small one.

He looks at it before muttering under his breath but my lovely advanced hearing allowed me to catch onto him saying stuff about me being stupidly beautiful.

"He is over the hill past the beautiful garden. His door is a beautiful green." He said and I nod my thanks to him before standing and pulling my hood back down.

I brush past him keeping my weapons tucked into my cloak. No need to scare the poor hobbit.

He was not wrong. The garden I passed was beautiful, in a simple and small way.

Looking I see the door and it had Gandalf's mark. Grinning I look to see the ponies. 13 of them. They are all here.

I open the small gate and close my eyes letting the cool wind hit me a minute more before gliding up the steps to the small door.

Raising my fist I hesitate for a moment before knocking three powerful knocks.

POV Narrator

The group was silent as Thorin ate his food. Everyone listened to him and Gandalf whisper to each other.

"What are we waiting for Gandalf?" Balin asked him politely yet seemed like he wanted to get a move on and Gandalf just smiled at him.

"You'll see." He spoke before going back to his pipe not minding the dwarves. Thumb rubbing over the mark on the pipe again.

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