Chapter 32

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POV Narrator

Atalanta woke with a slight gasp as her vision was blurry

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Atalanta woke with a slight gasp as her vision was blurry.

She blinked as she slowly gained her vision back as she noticed the heat she was swallowed in. Her body pressed in a hard scaled like one.

She brings her hand up gently touching the scales and smiles. She was not dreaming. She did not imagine anything.

Atalanta had leaned up and watched as the head of the dragon that was cradling her had pulled back looking to her.

It's beautiful orange red eyes staring her down in worry and all Atalanta could do was stare at the beautiful creature.

Atalanta stood on shaking legs making the dragon bend its head down letting her use it to steady herself.

Atalanta had placed her hand on the snout of the dragon and gently rubbed her palm against the tough skin.

"Such a beautiful...girl?" She asked out in a question and the dragon made a purring like noise. It made the female smile nodding.

"So beautiful..." she whispered and the female dragon just snuggled more into the woman's hand.

Atalanta, after admiring the dragons beauty looked to see a chain around the dragons neck making her narrow her eyes.

"They chain you?" She hissed. Eyes flashing violet color. The dragon just blinks with a sad look to its eyes and Atalanta looks from the dark area she was in, to the light.

Where the noise and everything came from.

"Are they afraid that you will do harm or be killed?" She asked softly and the dragon just makes a noise and Atalanta heard the jiggling of chains.

Memories of her past with that sound made her anger flare in her bones as her claws elongated.

Turning she looked to see the dragon already had its head down. She smiled softly and pulled out a bolt letting the chain fall off.

The dragon shook its head and she looked to the side where the other dragon laid in a still motion. Watching them. This one smaller than the other.

She moved forward with soft movements. "Don't you worry. I'll make sure both of you will never have to wear chains ever again." She whispered to the two as she unchained the second dragon who immediately rubbed its head against her.

Giggling softly she pet the top of its head and closed her eyes at the peace she felt.

"Alright...I'm going to need you both to stay here. I'm going to go look around for your riders. Show me where I'm at. Okay?" She asked the dragons who both just snort out steam but growl in understanding.

She nodded before going to the entrance. She looked to see she was wearing her same dress as she left.

Pulling up her lace hood she closed her eyes and moments later her sword and dagger appeared on her waist.

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