Chapter 28

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Part One of The Battle
POV  Narrator

Atalanta stared at the army of dwarves coming forward

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Atalanta stared at the army of dwarves coming forward.

They marched in as the brought in chariots leaded by rams. Their leader riding in on a great pig.

Atalanta turned to Thorin and narrowed her eyes. Stepping forward she gripped his armor jerking him to her.

"Last chance Thorin. Just give them what they want or I will do what I must." She growled and he just stared at her before shoving her away.

"They will not be able to stand against us." He grinned and Atalanta gained her wobbled balance before narrowing her eyes.

"If you won't stop this. Then I will." She hissed before stepping up and jumping from the ledge.

"Atalanta!" Fili yelled in out in worry but watched as she landed on her feet perfectly where the great elf and horse once were.

Turning slowly she glared at Thorin and everyone sucked in a breath with dark veins shown under her bright blue eyes.

Fear ran down their spines looking to the woman as she turned and stalked forward.

Her movements smooth and charming. She watched as the elves turned and marched forward ready to fight the dwarves.

"Oi Thorin!" Ironfoot yelled out to his cousin.

Atalanta walked at a slower pace watching the elves and men move quickly.

Once they all stopped they watched the dwarf riding the pig moving forward.

"Goodmorning. How are we all? I have a wee proposition if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would ya consider just sodding off! All of you! Right now!" He yelled and the humans all jumped back.

A tutting came from the crowd of elves and everyone watched the female coming forward.

She gently let her claws pull across the armor of the elves.

Dain's eyes went to her and she tilted her head to him in cocky way.

"That's the best you've got Damn? Really?" She spoke out and Thranduil looked to her with a raised brow.

The dwarf leader looked to her with a raised brow? "I do not believe I have met you!?" He bellowed out and she gave him blank face coming forward a few steps.

Everyone tensed slightly as she did so. Bard wishing she wouldn't do stuff to keep putting herself in danger.

"My name is Atalanta Stormborn!" She called out and he raised a brow shaking his head and she tilted hers to the side.

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