Chapter 31

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POV Narrator

The citizens of Dale blew the horn as their way of respecting the death of the son of Durin

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The citizens of Dale blew the horn as their way of respecting the death of the son of Durin.

Bard with his children watched as the elves walked in the Mountain. Among them being Atalanta.

His talk with her designating in his mind.


Atalanta looked at the fire silently as the kids were clinging to her body.

They had seeked shelter inside the mountain after the amount of death an carnage outside that day before.

"Children...sleep...let her be." He spoke and the kids all looked to the female before looking to him nodding.

Each one stood giving the woman kisses to the head.


She watched them leave and Bard stared the woman down. He did not understand her whatsoever but he could feel the pounding in his chest whenever he was near her.

"Just plan on standing there and staring or sitting down and staring?" She joked with him even though the happiness did not spread to her eyes.

He frowned before settling in the seat very close to her. His hand immediately finding hers.

They both having a silent inner battle making them both quiet. No words needed to be spoken. The silence was enough.

"Your in pain." Bard spoke and she nodded slightly to him.

"...But you are as well." She spoke and the man nodded to her.

"I want to understand." He spoke and she looked to him out of the corner of her eye.

Sighing she gently gripped his hand a bit tighter, "You want to understand what your feeling?" She took a guess and he nodded.

She tilted her head down before completely turning to him.

"I do not know...but I know whatever it is...will fade...we do not mix..." she spoke and the male frowns and she smiled at him sadly.

"I would've loved to be the littles one step Naneth." She spoke and he smiled sadly to her before gently tugging her into his arms.

Letting the tires woman fall asleep in his arms.

End of flash back

Bard had smiled and gripped his necklace which she had placed around his neck.

It was a green jewel made him smile. He knew she would always be there for him and his children. Love or not...

She was they're savior. They're queen.

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