Chapter 17

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POV Atalanta

"Father! No!! Don't do this!"

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"Father! No!! Don't do this!"


I smiled as everyone danced and had a good time drinking. The celebrated merrily as the drink and food was being consumed.

I watched the children play and run along quite happily.

Bringing my lips to my chalice when I felt a presence next to me.

"You handled that quite well." Balin spoke and I smiled to him.

"Nothing that couldn't be sorted."

Yet he placed a hand on my shoulder. "But was your speech necessary? Not promising to protect them and tell them that some of them they will die?" He asked and I sighed softly.

"You cannot promise them something we do not know the outcome of. It will only lead to hate and deceit."

He looked down in thought before nodding softly. "I guess that is a good thought." He spoke and I grab his hand making him look to me.

"Thank you Balin. You listen to every side and have been nothing but kind to me." I said lowly before bringing him closer.

My lips close to his ear, "when we enter that mountain, we need to watch Thorin. We have not entered that mountain and the curse of the gold is already consuming his mind."

I spoke before pulling back and gently patting his hand with a soft but fake smile before walking away.


"Father please! You don't have to do this! Please!"


Dancing was honestly quite nice to do again. Not having to worry about anything.

Bofur and Nori both dancing with me as we did silly dances. I had to hold both sides of dress up but it was fun none the less.

The care free moment was peaceful and definitely something worth cherishing. Especially coming tomorrow morning.

Fili joined in with his brother slowly but surely behind him. I stared at him with sadness knowing I could have cured him completely.

I smiled and held my hand out to him and we danced back and forth. Sharing our care free laughs and such.

Soon enough the dwarves started to become hungry once more leaving me walk off only to be grabbed by the waist and pulling me into a chest.

"Dance with me?" Bard spoke lowly and I slowly turn in his arms to see the man staring at me with such emotional eyes.

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