Chapter 10

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POV Narrator

It was later that night when everyone was asleep did Atalanta and Beorn come back

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It was later that night when everyone was asleep did Atalanta and Beorn come back.

She was exhausted and he could tell she was. "My Queen." He whispered gently picking her up as if she was something fragile.

He laid her in his bed to sleep. Sleep he knew she would never get with these dwarves constantly getting into trouble.


Prepping for the breakfast the dwarves slowly rose to eat. Beorn looked to Gandalf who nodded to him.

"Thank you."

"So you are the one they call Oakenshield. Tell me.....why is Azog...the defiler hunting you?" Beorn asked the dwarf king.

"You know of Azog? How?"

"My people were one of the first to live in the mountains. We lived in peace with others. Then the Orcs came down from the north. The defiler killed most of my family, but some he enslaved. Not for work you understand, but for sport. Catching skin-changers and torturing them. For his amusement." He spoke and the steps behind him alerted him of the woman he held in high respects.

"What about Atalanta? Is she a skin-changer too?" Balin asked and she stepped into the room causing them to look to her.

She didn't say much. She just grabbed a piece of bread and move to where Gandalf sat. He wrapped his arm around the female who yawned and leaned against him.

Her eyes drooping softly as she listened to the talking along with the heart beats of the man she looked after as a child.

Beorn looked to the female who nodded to him softly.

"When we lived in peace it was with the dovah. The dragons. They were once a peaceful kind. Most had riders since they could not shift like Atalanta can. Only the royals could shift. The dragons themselves a beautiful race." Everyone looked to the female and could not believe that this woman was a royal.

"Atlanta though was special. Her father the dragon king, one of the first of their kind, fell for a woman, a High Grey elf. A royal as well."

Everyone silent as they are and learned about the woman who had saved their lives more than once already.

"They came together as a special race and created a kingdom far more beautiful than I've ever seen. The red and blue colors flowing beautifully. Thrones made of red and blue stone."

Everyone could imagine the giant halls of the dragons. "They had a language all of their own. That's how they could understand each other."

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