Chapter 5

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POV Narrator

Elrond took one hour exactly on the woman's wounds

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Elrond took one hour exactly on the woman's wounds. He had to keep reopening the wound as she would keep re-healing.

He was finally able to get the medicine and call upon valor to heal her. The medicine working immediately within her system.

She was breathing heavier showing she was sleeping well.

She would wake soon. This he knew. She healed quickly and this was familiar to her.

He moved and gripped the guards arm. "When she wakes please inform me. Arwen will be by soon to help her." He spoke and the guard nodded.

Elrond quickly changed into his nice dress robes and descended into the room where the dwarves plus Mithrandir all waited patiently as they could.

The all held their breath as they saw him and he smiled to Gandalf.

"Before you ask, she is fine. It took longer than expected because the amount of poison on the arrow was just enough to cause some damage but she is fine overall." He spoke and everyone relaxed.

"She should be well within the next few hours." He spoke and everyone nodded wanting to leave the place as soon as possible.

Some didn't mind it because it was quiet and relaxing. Quite a peaceful place.

"Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near." Elrond said holding out an Orc sword. Lindir close to him.

"That may have been us." Gandalf said to him motioning to the group. Elrond saw the small hobbit and smiled softly inside his head.

He knew the woman would be protective of that little one. His eyes then went to current king.

"Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain." He said in a respective tone to the dwarf who threw him disrespectful glances.

"I do not believe we have met." Thorin gave him a hateful glare.

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled Under the Mountain."

"Indeed? He made no mention of you."

"Amin offer lle y' mereth ikotane lye can gala i' woman's arrival.  Along yassen he' company" (I offer you a feast so we can celebrate the woman's arrival. Along with her company.)

"What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?!" Gloin yelled getting angrily easily and Gandalf sighed.

"No, Master Gloin, he's offering you food." Gandalf translated it differently giving Elrond a look.

Elrond just looked amused to this and had a cocky stance to himself.

The dwarves all leaned in different ways talking to one another.

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