Chapter 25

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POV Narrator

The people in dale all looked to Bard as he looked at his people who were starving

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The people in dale all looked to Bard as he looked at his people who were starving. Cold. Sick.

"Alfrid. What news from the night watch?!"

"All quiet, sire. Not much to report. Nothing gets past me."

Bard looked surprised when he entered the courtyard.

"Except an army of Elves, it would seem."

Woodland Elves lined in gold armor stood in front of him as they all stood at attention.

The people looked to the elves in question. As bard stepped down the elves turn in unison making way for Bard.

The man was creeped out slightly but walked forward. He watched as Thranduil rode in on his grand elk with his guard behind him on horse.

"My lord Thranduil, we did not see you here."

"I heard you needed aid."

They watched as elven healers walked in along with a two carriages full of food and drink. Enough to feed their people.

The men and woman all went forward happily making Bard smile.

Bard looked to Thranduil with gratitude. "You have saved us. I do not know how to thank you."

"Your gratitude is misplaced. I did not come on your behalf. I came to reclaim something of mine."


Atalanta stood to the side as she watched the dwarves when she heard the calling.

It was like a sirens song. Something only she could hear and it made her eyes turn bluish purple before launching herself forward.

All the dwarves following behind the fast female. They all quickly entered the room Thorin was in and Atalanta stopped as she glanced at the jewels in Thorin's hand.

The sirens song coming from the jewels. The ones she recognized immediately.

The jewels that were once around her families neck. She growled as he smirked, "I know an elf lord who would pay a pretty price for these!"

He scrunched up the jewels making Atalanta growl even more. Her body rigid. He tossed them to the side and Atalanta rushed forward slamming Thorin into the wall by his throat!

"Do not disrespect them like that!" She growled and he tried shoving her off him and she huffed.

"They are Thranduil's!" He yelled and she shoved him forward.

"Who do you think have him the jewels?!" She hissed before dropping him and going to the jewels. Holding them up she whimpered softly as she held the necklace.

Bilbo, Fili and Kili all rushed to her side as she started sobbing softly. The memories of the woman being to much for her.

Bilbo held her head shushing her as he watched Thorin walk away emotionlessly.

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