Chapter 13

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POV Atalanta

His eyes widen slightly and I growled, "I'm the one who blessed your mother to carry you

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His eyes widen slightly and I growled, "I'm the one who blessed your mother to carry you. I'm the one who pushed my sister your direction as the king to marry." I hissed and he stood up yet I held my ground.

"I created this kingdom and I created you. I can take it right away. Like you did her." I growled and he snapped his fingers making guards come and grab my arms making me shake with anger.

He came close to my face and I sneered, "I faced those serpents, your kin, for you. I married your sister because I wanted closer to you. Clearly you don't see that." He spoke lowly before taking my chin in his fingers.

"It would be a shame for them to find out the reason behind going to that mountain. Why you are so scared...." he whispered close to my ear and I froze the fear closing around my heart like a pumping machine.

He grinned and bent down to my ear, "then I suggest you convince them to give me the jewels." He spoke and I felt my twitch with anger at the pure disrespect this elf-ling had.

I did the one thing that came to mind. I threw my leg up meeting his family jewels.

"Try and command me again, pheasant."

He looked up and nodded to the guards. I struggled as they pulled me away. "You let me go! I'm the high queen!" I screamed but it was no use.

I was taken by the prison cells and each of the dwarves slammed against it reaching out yelling but it was no use.

The elf guards taken me below to a dark room before I feel chains being locked around my wrists. The burning telling me that there is nightshade within them.

I hissed as I pulled on them. Then I felt the armor on my body being removed making my nerves shoot through my arms.

"Whip her."

The cackle made my eyes twitch and I stared ahead. I will not give them the satisfaction of screaming at the pain. I will do it for her.

The whip came down on my back and I flinch in the pain. It becoming familiar.

Multiple times did the whip come down upon my back. I could feel the blood streaming down my back into the pure white dress.

The whips being laced with nightshade. Not enough hurt to me bad but enough to keep the wounds open.

The pain became great but everytime I just flinched or let out a small groan. My mind set on being defiant.

"Alright, you going to drink this easily for us?" One of the guards came up of me with what I can smell is wine and nightshade.

I smirked at him and he came closer I growled jerking forward making him jump up.

He just glared at me as the wine soaked into his clothes.

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