Chapter 14

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POV Narrator

The horn blowed from the guard making the other react quickly

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The horn blowed from the guard making the other react quickly.

Atalanta looked forward, soaked to the bone with dead. The elves closed the gate and right as Thorin and Atalanta slam into the gate she dives into the water.


She dove under the barrels and popped up by Kili.

"Bilbo!" She yelled out making the hobbit quickly toss her fathers sword.

She pulled sword up slicing open the stomach of the Orc.

Her eyes widen slightly at the amount of Orcs coming. They go over to the lever and her lip twitches before jumping onto the rocker steps.

With a hard slice and harden cry she took the three out with one blow. Pain shot through her but she continued. Next to her Kili fighting to help her get the lever.

She blocked the dwarf of a hit by two different Orcs. With shaking arms she looked at the dwarf, "get the lever! Quickly!"

He nods going forward as she kicks one away from her before twisting the swords and bending under its arm stabbing its mid-section.


She snapped her gaze up and looked at the dwarf who had been shot in the leg. Her gaze then went to the Orc who shot him and growled in anger.

Her dragon eyes coming out dark and strong. She cried out before viciously stabbing the Orc in the head hearing the sickening crunch.

Quickly she moved forward before bending down to grab the dwarf.

"...stop, your in pain too." He moaned out to her but she just snorts which lets out a bit of steam and watches as he wraps his arm around her neck.

Turning she looks to Fili who was looking at the nervous! "Kili!"

She jumps off the ledge and into the barrel easily and with much grace. Kili slumped against her and she looked down at him in worry.

Her eyes went to the elven prince. Who was fighting the Orcs. Along with Tauriel. She knew they needed to leave. Now.

Jerking their barrel forward they started moving and she managed to snag Fili's barrel pulling him along with them.

They drop down to which Kili groans, "I will keep you safe, but I'm going to need you stay still Kili." She spoke out to the dwarf who just groaned in response.

She looked to the Orcs following them, "Bilbo! My blades! Toss them out! Quickly!" She yelled out to the hobbit who moved as fast as he could to her demands.

Fili and Bofur both received the blades which felt light in their hands but they could feel the power running through them making them grin.

The riptides of water making it hard for anyone to see or breath. Atalanta's dress clung to her body as she looked with her dragon eyes.

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