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POV Narrator

30 years later

The halls of Erebor has been buzzing with life

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The halls of Erebor has been buzzing with life. The golden lighting up the halls.

Tauriel held a small child on her hip pointing up to the room holding the sons of Durin.

"That's your Ada...meleth..." she whispered with a smile.

She wore a light green dress. A golden belt light tied around her waist. A golden tiara on her head as she looked at the chubby child. It was about a year old or so.

"Lady Tauriel, guests are arriving." A dwarf spoke to the lady who just bowed her head and looked to the elves walking in.

Thranduil walked in with a blonde woman by his side. Tauriel looked to both of them and did a small bow.

"King Thranduil and Queen Sansa....welcome back to the kingdom of Erebor." She spoke and the baby gargled at the elven king who couldn't help the smile on his face.

The elven woman next to him smiled to the woman and looked to her hair. It was braid by Fili who took pride in his braiding skills.

Thranduil's eyes went down to the belly on the elleth. It was round and firm which he could only tell one thing.

"Your..." he motioned to her stomach and she nodded to him. His eyes sparkled slightly and rolled her shoulders.

The gurgling child held its arms out to Thranduil who was looking to the small child.

"My lady..." The same dwarf as before spoke and the woman looked to him with a nod before looking to Thranduil and his wife.

"Mind looking after him for a few moments. I must greet our other guests." She spoke and his wife nodded immediately taking the child from woman.

The baby started to fuss wanting to be in the elf kings arms.

Thranduil could only smile and take the baby from his wife.

The baby looked into his eyes with wide eyes before cracking a smiled and grabbing his straight pale hair. He flopped it up and down giggling.

The child reminding him of his son and Thranduil couldn't help but feel a small bit of pain in his heart.

He rocked the baby back and forth letting the small child fall asleep in the elves soothing arms.

"I'm impressed, he normally takes much more than that to fall asleep." Tauriel spoke walking in with a man that Thranduil recognized immediately.

"Mellon..." he spoke bowing down and the man did the same.

"Thranduil. My friend."

Tauriel smiled taking the sleeping child from Thranduil who hugged the longer haired man. "How is the Lord of Dale?" Thranduil spoke to him and he grinned.

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