Chapter 20

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POV Narrator

"Well, Well, Well

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"Well, Well, Well...You just don't quit do you little sista!" Smaug taunted the angry female dragon who was standing protectively in front of Bard and his son.

Bard was confused by what Smaug meant by little sister. This other dragon was larger than Smaug, much larger.

"You see little sista, I see your eyes. I see through you and I see the scared little girl I held as a child. You cannot defeat me." He roared out and Atalanta stood taller while growling.

Bard was fixing the arrow with the broken string of the bow. He was ready to kill Smaug. Yet he was in shock when the dragon responded.

"You know nothing brotha. I've gone through things your couldn't imagine....I've lost more than you could ever know...."

Atalanta spoke with her thick dragon accent voice. It was heavy and thick because she never spoke in her dragon voice in so long.

Smaug moves his head back and forth growling slowly moving forward. His dominance wanting to come out and over her.

"I will kill you....and them." He hissed our but before he could move anymore Atalanta slammed her body down roaring out!

It was powerful. One that only a queen could possess.

Smaug stepped back as she brought her head up making watch her movements. His eyes going to the humans who have set up the bow.

Black arrow notched and Bain being used as a balance.

Smaug looked to his sister who eased her stance she stood slightly to the side. Enough to where he could not notice.

"I, Atalanta Stormborn, Queen and Mother of Dragons, Last high Grey Elf of Middle Earth, The last of the daughter of Durnehviir and Rowena Stormborn. Silver Ranger of the north! The Unburnt! Breaker of Chains! The protector of the innocent..."

She spoke and Bard snapped his head in her direction when he heard her speak her name. His face showed horror and disbelief. Yet he could believe it.

"....And I will not let you hurt another soul." She spoke and roared making Smaug roar and run towards her.

"Sovngarde is real." She called out and he stopped in mid roar yet it was to late because Bard released the arrow, letting it hit its mark.

Atalanta's eyes widen as his body slams into the tower holding the humans she cared about.

"No!" She cried out before flying forward lifting her brothers body into the air. As the light started fading from his body.

".....I'm sorry..." he whispered and all she could do was give him sad eyes.

".....I love you....Smaug...My last big sibling..." She whispered as his eyes turned light at the last moment before they went cold with death.

His body falling and she quickly looked away moving to the humans who were huddled together in the tower.

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