Chapter 27

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POV Narrator

The hours before the fight

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The hours before the fight

Atalanta stared at Thorin. Her eyes filled with emotion she never knew she had.

Balin walked up beside her and gently patted her back making the female look down.

"If there is even the slightest chance you can get him to see some kind of reason. You best do it now." He spoke to her and she looked to him with a frown.

"Balin he won't listen to me. He doesn't trust me." 

The dwarf gave her a raised brow, "Are you truly that blind lassie?"

Her frown deepened at his statement wondering what in the world he was talking about. He sighed at the look on her face.

"Lassie from the moment you saved his life, he has been in love with you. He is not the only one."

Atalanta's eyes went wide at his words making her cough harshly.

Thorin looked up to the two. He narrowed his eyes as Balin patted the females back.

"Have you truly not noticed?" He spoke and Atalanta shook her head looking down at her hands.

They held memories of when she was young and full vigorous life.

"Have you ever married or...been in love?" Balin asked and the female sucked in a breath as she rubbed her stomach.

"...I have...."

He looked to her with a frown and her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

He gently pat her back again neither not noticing Thorin coming up from the side. He heard what she said the darkness inside him filled with rage and jealousy.

Balin turned slightly and could see Thorin barely in the shadow and knew he needed to leave.

He wrapped his arms around the female who returned the hug. Setting her head on his shoulder.

"Thorin is behind you....if you can bring his love for you forward....Maybe you can break the darkness....please....we need our king back."

Atalanta frowned but nodded slightly. Not enough for Thorin to notice.

She let go and went back to leaning on the rail and Balin passed Thorin with a nod.

The king walked forward to Atalanta before standing right behind the female.

"What was that about?" He spoke in a deep voice and all Atalanta could think of is Balin's words.

"He was asking me questions is all." Atalanta spoke softly and Thorin could see her muscles moving under the dress which covered way to much of her body.

"Come with me." Atalanta spoke and Thorin watched as she turned opening her hand to him.

He stared at it before grasping her soft palm. His giant hands dwarfed hers and made them look small and innocent.

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