Chapter 15

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POV Narrator

Legolas and Tauriel returned to their home with the Orc hand heading straight to the throne to which Thranduil sat

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Legolas and Tauriel returned to their home with the Orc hand heading straight to the throne to which Thranduil sat.

He looked to his son who held the Orc to his knees with the blade of Atalanta at its throat.

His eyes immediately zoomed in on the blue red handle of the blade. The beautifully crafted blade held tightly in his hands.

Thranduil got up looking away from the blade to the Orc on the ground, before pacing around it.

"Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world it festers and spreads, a shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was; so it will be. In time, all foul things come fourth." He spoke making the Orc just struggle against Legolas who held a firm steel grip on him.

"You were tracking a company of thirteen dwarves and a female elf. Why?" He asked and the Orc just gurgled a laugh.

"Not thirteen; Not any more. The young one, black haired archer, we stuck him with a Morgul shaft." He laughed and Tauriel's eyes widen with anger.

"The hybrid....she's going to wish she was dead..." he laughed only Legolas frowned not sure who he was talking about but Thranduil did.

He jerked forward wrapping his hand around his throat. "What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?!" He hissed and Legolas and Tauriel realized who the Orc was talking about.


Legolas pushes the blade a little into the skin making the Orc squeal in pain and surprise.

He spoke in black-speech, "Ghash burns sha ghash. Ta will ushd to." He spoke and Thranduil's eyes twitched in anger. (Fire burns with Fire. He will use her.)

Legolas frown not knowing the language very well. "She will not be used." Thranduil spoke before composing himself.

"She is the last of her line. She will kill him before he could even think so." He smirked and Legolas did as well but Tauriel was frowning in worry.

She stepped forward, "What do you mean about the archer?"

The Orc chuckled, "The poisons in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon."

"Answer the question, filth!"

"Sha hakhtiz khunai-go, Golgi!" (I do not answer to dogs! She-elf!)

Legolas pushes the Orc a bit as Tauriel whips out her knife quickly.

"I would not antagonize her." Legolas just in a smirking chuckle.

"You like killing things, Orc? You like death? Then let me give it to you!" She growled before rushing forward with her knife.

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