Chapter 23

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POV Atalanta

I could hear him

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I could hear him. His warnings. Gandalf was in trouble.

The fear pumping through my veins I took off running down the halls. Adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Mithrandir..." I spoke to myself as I jumped down a set of stairs landing on my feet easily yet a jolt of pain rolled through my body.

I sprint through the door to the room holding the dwarves making them all look to me.

"Where is my weapons! I need them now!" I cried out to them before looking back and forth quickly. Fili came forward with the others.

"Atalanta why do you need your weapons?" He asked me calmly but I muttered to myself as I push past them but am pulled back and faced with the dwarves. Fili looked at me worried and my eyes start to water.

"Mithrandir is in trouble! I can hear his cries!" I cried softly and Fili pulls me into his body and I slowly sagged into his body.

His body which was smaller than mine.

Small cries escaped my lips against my own will and I looked to my hands shaking and felt my neck burn slightly as I pull back.

Looking down to my necklace it was glowing softly and I smiled.

Moving I shoved past them before sitting down on the table.

My legs crossed as I closed my eyes. Focusing on my niece my families blood flowing through her veins.

POV Narrator (this gunna be between her POV and narrated view so just so you know)

Atalanta used her power to flow through Galadriel to see what she sees.

The female could feel her aunt flow through her and held a smile on her face.

"Hello...Atala..." she spoke super soft and Atalanta could only focus on what was happening.

Galadriel walked forward like a graceful elven Queen she is. One could only describe it as floating. Gandalf's grunts of pain floating through both females ears.

Atalanta forced her niece to go faster as she sat there in front of the dwarves. All to scared to touch her as her hands clutches tightly. Mouth muttering in a language they do not know.

Galadriel was calm as she saw the Orc look to her with slight fear and surprise. Atalanta only felt anger flow through her.

Seeing the Orc go to chop of Gandalf's hands with no remorse. Anger flowing even more.

'Kill it.'

Galadriel looked to Gandalf before looking to the Orc.

"I've come for Mithrandir."

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