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"It's funny how the best moments in life happen accidentally."

Why am I even here?

Luke asked himself as he sat at the bar counter alone, with a beer in his hand. He glared around the bar, drinking his beer. Nothing was going on, except his best friend Calum in a corner trying to pick up some 23-year-old chic he knew he had no chances with.

Calum made him go out in first place, not to make him company, but to pay for the drinks, obviously.

Calum has been broke all his whole life, the only real big money he ever owned was like five years ago when he suddenly won 50,000$ in Las Vegas, but spent everything on a Vegas wedding and for a divorce the next morning. Lucky child. So it was perfect for him to be best friends with Luke, the one person who was at only 30 years a billionaire. Luke didn't mind taking care and spending his money on his friend , it just annoyed him that Calum - the one that was known for not having luck with girls, still was better with them than Luke.

"Hey, Cal." Luke called out after a while to over where he was eating out some young blonde girl's face. Calum just gestured him to wait a bit, he was too busy at the moment. Luke knew that a little bit meant the whole night for Calum so he just turned back to the bartender.

"Can I have another one?" He questioned after he saw that his bottle was already empty.

"Sure." The bartender said as he took another cool beer from the fridge behind him and put it in front of Luke. Luke picked it up and drank some of it. The beer before was already getting warm and untasty so this fresh cool one tasted even better. As he put it back down on the counter he saw that a young girl found her place on the barstool next to him, out of some weird reason, Luke couldn't help but turn to her and watch her. It may have looked a bit creepy and weird, but Luke was never a person for picking up girls, the only girlfriend he ever had was Bridget from highschool that he was married to and already divorced from.

"Um, hi." He spoke up after a while and stretched out his hand for a shake, earning a confused but amused look from the girl.

"Hi?" She said shyly as she chuckled a bit and shook his hand.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Luke asked her, then himself mentally if anything he said sounded creepy, because he felt as if it did.

"Sure, why not." The girl shrugged and leaned over the counter to call the bartender. "One beer please." She said simply and sat herself back down. She crossed her tanned legs and turned to Luke, leaning her arm on the counter. "I'm Mia, if you wonder." She exclaimed as she flashed him a big smile.

"I'm ..." Luke tried to say but a wasted Calum suddenly stood next to him and sang Anaconda by Nicki Minaj while having the same blondie on his left shoulder, giggling with him. "Calum, not now." Luke tried not to lose his shit and start screaming at him, he just pushed them away when they were about to fall onto him and tried to talk to Mia again, but they returned and Calum sat himself on Luke's lap.

"Why are you so angry, babe?" Calum asked through a  hickup and went with a finger over Luke's bottom lip.

"Calum." Luke said through grittered teeth and tried to make him go away. "Not now!" He said angrily as he whispered in his ear. Luckily it made Calum get off of him.

"You're a pussy." Was all he said before escaping in the same dark corner he was in before with the girl.

Luke watched them hardly walking on their own feet, nope, Calum is not going to score tonight. He is just going to pass out in the car on their way home and Luke is going to have carry him into his bed, he just hoped Calum wouldn't throw up on him again. That was always the worst part of the night.

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