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"You really think people drink and smoke out of fun?"


"You're really into this poor guy thingo?" Calum nodded at Luke as he entered the house at 2 after midnight with big black bags under his eyes and his flannel shirt half unbottoned and hanging on one shoulder barely covering half of his torso. He shot an annoyed glare at Calum and didn't say anything. At the moment he wasn't even sure he knew his own name, was it Sam or Luke? Maybe it was Dick, he may never find out. "Hey, that was a compliment." Calum shouted from his place on the couch while Luke walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and drank some of it. His plan wasn't to get drunk, he just needed something cold and wasn't feeling like drinking milk like a little boy. "But why did she throw you out? Were you bad in bed?" Calum entered the kitchen soon after and sat on the other side of the dinning table.

Luke sighed heavily and put his middle finger up. He took the beer from the table and walked back into the living room, having Calum follow him.

"Are you mad at me?" Calum questioned in confusion after Luke turned around to be surprised by him. But Luke still didn't say anything, he must've been so done with whatever happened to him and it started to worry Calum. "I swear, I didn't mean to get so high today." He said after Luke turned around again and threw himself on the couch.

"It's not that, I'm used with you being dumb ass fuck." Luke spat before he sipped some of the beer in his mouth.

"Dude that Mia girl is really pervy, talking about fucking in the ass, I mean, I thought she was some innocent holy sister." Calum changed the actual topic as he remembered Mia and her fuck in the ass.

"It's not that she is pervy, it's about you being old, dumbass." Luke crossed his feet and put his hands on his stomach as he leaned himself back. He looked away and exhaled heavily, he was so frustrated with Mia that Calum wasn't even that irritating.

"What the hell, I'm like six months older than you, gram'pa." Calum put his hands in the air and looked around confused. Luke was always talking about him being so old, when they were actualy born in the same year.

Luke didn't want to lose his left nerves at Calum, and since he believed in whatever Ted Mosby was talking, he knew that nothing good could happen after 2 in the morning so he just shut his mouth.

"Wait, so you had sex twice?" Calum broke the silence between them as he leaned closer to Luke, a big cheesy grin spreading over his face.

Luke pushed Calum's face away with his hand and groaned. "No!" He shouted, he didn't understood why it was such a big deal to him even though they're thirty years old and not thirteen. "I was outside and waited in the car to see if she is meeting anyone else." Luke stood up and went with a hand through his hair in frustration. "She told me to go home, I was almost positive that she is meeting someone else. And I bet that short brown haired dude went up to her flat." He added again before he sat himself in the armchair across the couch earning a weird look from Calum.

"What's wrong with you?" He shook his head and looked at him in disbelief. Since him and Luke became friends like 15 years ago he acted like this, he couldn't like a girl without stalking her all the time. Calum called it stalking while Luke called it-protecting my girl. You could say they both were right.

"Calum, I really like her." Luke said after a while with a blank expression. He obviously wasn't lying, like that one time he said he liked Gina when in fact he wanted to make Bridget jelaous in third class. "And I'm not like you. I can't have sex with someone and never see them again. Different than you, I have emotions." He elaborated after he got a scoff as reply. His best friend never felt what real love was and he didn't believe that 'love' even existed. He called love - having sex with someone mutliple times. And he was never doing that.

"Well, I think we'll need to tell Andrew and Liz that they in fact have two sons and a daughter." Calum said after he stood up and stretched his arms out. Before Luke came home he was having a nap since he got so tired from being high.

"Ha-ha." Luke shouted at Calum who was on his way to his bedroom.

"Hey Liz, yeah, the doctor says Luke is in fact a girl.... Yeah that's why he doesn't have a dick." Calum spoke in his imaginary phone as he proudly walked down the hall and into his bedroom. Luke was used to be called pussy and girly by Calum, it was some kind of daily routine, but he could've been once nice to him when he was feeling down.

In the end, Calum was kind of right. Luke was really overreacting because of dumb things. That guy could've gonne to any other girl in that big apartmant house. Mia wasn't the only girl on Earth, right?

Quickly Luke pulled out his phone from the tight jeans and typed in Chelsea's number. He obviously forgot what time it was, but he had a plan and he was going to do it.

"Chelsea!" Luke jumped off the armchair when someone actually answered.

"Good morning sir." She said sarcastically and yawned.

"Note Mia Batcher somewhere and search anything you can find about her. Send me an e-mail with all your results, okay?" Luke asked in one breath as a big smile covered his face. The sad thing is he really thought that this wasn't that creepy, like stalking her for hours.

"Okay." Chelsea answered barely having her eyes open.

"Good night, Chels." He said and hung up. He hopped a bit as he ran up the stairs and into his bedroom. He felt better than before just because he knew he was going to know everything about Mia by the morning and that he was going to have control in this whole thing.

The worsr thing that anyone could've  done to Luke is to take control away from him, he loved to know everything and be the master of everything. He just didn't know it was going to ruin a lot of things in his life, like it did before.


since i wrote this half drunk after i stole my mother's sect (or however you write it) don't mind if it's shit and bad but like luke is pretty creepy (his character is partly based on my friend lol) but he is just the way he is so don't hate on him lol

and also, what should his and mia's ship name be? like muke is already taken but also mia thinks he is sam .... what do you say about mam it'd be like HEY LADY, UM MA'M ???

halp me with this

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